Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Amazing Race All Stars

I did a post on The Amazing Race All Stars, lost it and spent time trying to retrieve it before I gave up. I will now attempt another post, although you can go to and look it up there in greater detail!

Rob and Amber left first in Santiago, Chile, but lost their lead when their plane was delayed. There was much talk among the other teams about the whereabouts of the newlywed team!

The first task was to go into a boardroom and pick out letters that were on the ties, pads, pens, etc, of the men sitting around the table and put them together to spell the location of the next task. Most teams who were first to arrive. spent too much time looking at the men and the clue was in a picture on the wall, which spelled out the name of the copper mining co. Rob and Amber managed to catch up and advance.

The task at the mining co. was to drive a front-end loader (both members) or put a huge 2 ton tire on a machine using large lugnuts. Rob and Amber chose the loader and it worked to their advantage. Most teams chose the tire and that took more time.

 Rob and Amber got through first and headed for the pit stop at the Valley of the Dead.

There was drama between the beauty queens and Charla and Mirna. Confusion reigned over the left or right turn to get to Phil and Rob and Amber were there first, winning 2 off-road motorcycles.

Drew and Kevin were last and were eliminated.   

Capt Brian Freeman

This is a news story that made me cry, not tear up, cry. Sometimes the unfairness in life just slaps you in the face.

Ali, an 11 year old Iraqi boy, had a rare heat disease and needed surgery. His father met Capt Brian Freeman and asked if he could help. Several months later, with the help of Gift of Life International, he had several thousand dollars and an okay for Ali to go to NY for the surgery.

The same day, Capt Freeman, in his thirties, was kidnapped in Iraq and killed.

The day of the surgery, Charlotte Freeman received her husband's personal effects. Included was a portable video game which she gave to Ali saying that Brian would want him to have it. 

He's always been a hero to me and our children," says Charlotte Freeman, Brian's widow. "Hopefully he's now a hero to everybody else, and an inspiration to everybody else as well."

I hope so, too. He deserves it.

Monday, February 26, 2007

GWTW - the Musical?

A group of producers have secured the rights from the Margaret Mitchell estate and plan to produce a musical, using the book, in 2008.

Hugh Jackman will play Rhett and Jill Pace, who is said to resemble Vivian Leigh, might  be Scarlett.

It will center on the slaves at Tara and be closer to the novel.

I'll reserve judgement, but GWTW is such a great movie I don't see how it can be improved on. With all the remakes, I'm sure this isn't the only idea that's been thrown out, but replacing Clark Gable and Vivian Leigh--and all the others who seem perfect for this movie? Doesn't seem doable!

I plan to go see my favorite movie at the Alabama Theatre this summer. If you haven't seen it on a big haven't seen it in all its glory! And certain parts can still make me tear up!

Frankly, my dear, it is the best!

Jack Army

Jack Army is back in Iraq and making observations about life. Check him out at:

Some time ago, he mentioned that there was a fox that would frequent their FOB and it seemed to have a collar on. I asked if there was a chance that it could have a camera in it and being used by insurgents. Too James Bondish? Well, he never answered me and I somehow get the feeling that he's still getting a good laugh off that!

Update: Jack Army has an answer for those who say they support the troops but not the war.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Oscars

Pfttt. Whatever.

Could they have kissed up to algore any more than they did?


Update: Mr Greenjeans, algore, has a mansion in Nashville, TN, that uses more electricity every month than the average household uses in an entire year! Remember, do as I say, not as I do! And don't you know there was car pooling all around for the Oscars? Idiots!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Blogging From Afghanistan

If you don't read Troy's blog, Bouhammer's Afghan Blog, you missed the post about the suicide bomber who while attempting to attack the base, managed to blow only himself up and provided several meals for the starving dogs in the area. I hope that's a story that got around to his pals! The only way it could have been better is if there had been pigs in the area!

You also missed the post about Rambo, the Afghan who lives by the gate and chases off people who don't belong there with a lead pipe. He lost his entire family to the Taliban.

Then there was the touching post of a father, Troy, trying to get home on emergency leave to be with his son for surgery and saying good-bye again to return to Afghanistan.

Lots of good posts going on at:

Voting on The Milbloggies, sort of like the Oscars for milblogs, ends soon. Go to, sign up and vote for your favorite milblog!

Milblogs, where you get it from the horse's mouth.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hissy Fit Comin’ Up!

I try to ignore John Murtha as much as possible, just to keep the BP from shooting out the top of my head! However, he thinks he's in charge of things in Washington and what happens to the troops, and yes, I know he is in a way. It makes me so mad-- sputterin', spittin'-- mad that I can't talk about him without having palpitations!

I was already ticked at his comment that the troops lived in palaces and had everything they needed! Really? Don't get me started about care packages, etc! Guess it's all a waste of time! Here's a clue--shut yer yap--it's noise pollution!

Taylor Hicks

The Taylor Hicks concert is sold out for March 10th at the Alabama Theatre in Birmingham, but tickets are on sale for a second concert the following night. Info is available at

Taylor is a popular guy with the local tv stations. His tip to new contestants was not to get on their cell phones to tell every person they know they've been selected--it could affect their voice! He said he knew someone who lost their voice after spending too much time on their cell phone!

The soul patrol is on its way!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Where Eagles Soar

No, not a footall team or any other group of humans, but our nation's emblem, the bald eagle is back!

"It's a success story, something a lot of people have worked a long time to get to," said Keith Hudson, the state biologist mostly responsible for tracking the eagle's comeback in Alabama. "We didn't know what would happen or if they would ever recover at all."

But recover they did, and the news isn't just good for eagles. Communities with eagle populations have reaped the rewards as tourists flocked there to catch an exhilarating glimpse of these majestic birds.

"People come from all over wanting to see those eagles," said Mark Jackson, chief ranger at Lake Guntersville State Park, one of the prime spots for bird-watchers.

True, a chance to see some kind of obscure fish may not draw the kinds of crowds that eagles do. But the broader point is the same, whether we're talking about a nervous darter or a mighty eagle: There is value in preserving creation, even if the value isn't readily apparent to everyone.

Many factors share credit for the eagle's return. There's the Endangered Species Act, for starters. Also, the 1972 ban on the pesticide DDT, which was killing many of our feathered friends, helped the eagles get back on their talons. But a big part of the success must certainly be traced to the public's broad support for saving the eagles.

Some bald eagle facts:
  • The bald eagle has been down listed from an endangered species to a threatened species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

  • Bald eagles have a wing span of seven to eight feet and can live up to 30 years.

  • The trademark white head and white tail do not develop until about five years of age.

  • Bald eagles can see prey from as far away as a mile and a half

  • There is more info available here:

    Good News from No Iraq

    While I was waiting for The Amazing Race to come on last night, I watched 60 Mins. The time schedule was off because of the golf show and I didn't want to miss the first of the TAR. One of the sujects was the good news from Iraq. I double-checked to be sure this was CBS.

     As Bob Simon talked, I was stunned! There was all kinds of building going on, people were happy, noone was being killed, and they LOVE Americans! Glad that they were liberated by Americans and are teaching English as a second language to their kids. Did you get that?

    Why has this been kept a secret? I know I've never heard about this!

    They want to be an American ally! Did I mention they love America?

    I know I heard the shrieker of the House pass out! heh

    If you missed it, check it out on, 60 Mins. It put a big smile on my face!

    Sunday, February 18, 2007

    Amazing Race All Stars

    Okay, they didn't start out like I expected, instead Phil said, "Good luck, travel safe--go!" And the eleven teams were off to Ecuador, the first pit stop.

    I think I'm going to be rooting for Rob and Amber. They are so cute and loving with each other. One of the tasks they had to choose from was catching a wild horse with a local cowboy, trimming its hooves, mane and tail before letting it go. They didn't show much of the catching of the horse, just with the small horse on the ground being cleaned and then let go. I would've like to have known how long it took to catch them! Rob and Amber were first and got to the pit stop first, winning a trip to Canada.

    I was hoping the gay couple would be eliminated 'cause frankly, my dear, I am SICK of seeing men slobber over each other! blech But unfortunately, it was John Vito and Jill. They were one of several teams that got lost trying to find where the wild horses were.

    I wish they would've had a 2 hr episode. It seemed too short.

    If you're interested, you can see all elevem teams and read about them at:

    Go Rob and Amber!

    Reality of War by Sgt White

    02/18/07 1631 hours

    He was that tiny baby, who stared in bright-eyed wonder;

    into his mother’s eyes, the blanket of security that he was under.

    He was that three foot toddler, who let you have it;

    when he asked his Daddy, if you were pregnant.

    He was that neighbor-boy, who was always into something;

    he pulled your flowers, and sent your hubcaps sailing.

    He was that kid, who threw gum in your hair because he secretly liked you;

    what he never knew, is that you liked him too.

    He was the one, who sped through your neighborhood;

    a new license and Mustang, life was too good.

    He was that boy, whose name you can’t recall;

    who helped you at the grocery, carried your bags and all.

    He was that son, who made his parents cry;

    when off to war he went, little time for goodbyes.

    He was that young man, who always made you smile;

    you wonder what became of him, you haven’t seen him in a while.

    He was that boy, who became that man;

    in a distant battlefield, that was full of sand.

    He was that guy, whose letters came less and less;

    the images too horrific, pen to paper he could not press.

    He was one of those, that you heard on the news;

    who was patrolling downtown Baghdad, when the enemy lit the fuse.

    That boy you used to know, whose face you can’t remember;

    bled out on a dirty street, this past May or maybe it was September.

    That kid who meant so little to many, yet so much to a few;

    his life was cut short, and it was still very new.

    That boy who used to be in your life, and whose fate you will not allow;

    Oh him, that guy. He’s gone now

    Go to and read the rest of the article that Sgt White has posted


    This is what I'm looking forward to hearing tonight!

    Get you dirty little minds out of the gutter! Tonight begins a brand new Amazing Race--my fav--o-rite reality show. Actually, it's the only one I watch. This will be different, in that, the participants will be former losers from past shows.

     Rob and Amber will be on. They are a cute couple that were also on Survivor. They got married on TV and, last I heard, had a house in Pensacola, FL. (I wonder how they fared during the hurricanes?) And the little person and her cousin are also back. They were slightly annoying before. Not sure who else will be in the race for the million, but I will be blocking everything else out while it's on!

    If I could find someone to try out with me, I'd try out for this show. I've tried to talk my cousin into it but she just smiles like I've lost my mind! heh Could I jump out of a plane, climb up the side of a building or do any of the other "tasks"? I wouldn't know for sure until I was looking out the plane! But with the million smackers in the back of my mind, I think I could! And everytime a team comes in first, they get a terrific prize of a car, trip, or something great enough to make you want to scream and jump up and down! 

    I wonder what would hapen if I put an ad in the paper? What should it say? Wanted: someone with a good sense of direction, willing to go around the world at warp speed, good at following directions, eager to win $500,000! And, oh yes, EASY TO GET ALONG WITH!

    Friday, February 16, 2007

    Maj Pain

    Major Pain, as he is known now, has a good post up that people need to see! Not that it's unusal--he has a good post up just about everyday!

    He has served in Afghanistan and not too long ago came home from Iraq. One of his funnier posts in Iraq was about trying to get to the shower trailer--seems most of the time, the FOB would come under attack, so he joked about being watched by the enemy and how they were trying to keep him from getting a shower! He also talked about the soldiers smelling the mail for familar scents--even said they could smell the Pledge from the tables, but they really liked the ones with perfume. I decided I could make mine smell better than Pledge and put them in a baggie with some perfume on a cotton ball inside for awhile. I think I got more responses from then on than I ever had before!

    He was Capt B when he was in Iraq and since he came home, he became Maj B and then Maj Pain. I need to get SK to come by and explain the Pain thing--I think it means he's a 'pain' in the butt!(in a joking way)

    He had a troll that insisted he wasn't even a soldier and had never been deployed. I'm not sure what finally convinced him that Maj Pain was the real deal, but it was good to get rid of him!

    I heard he can give some bone-crushing hugs from SK who met him at the Milblog Conference last year!

    Go over to:

    and give him a read. He's a good man to know. Even if he does love those smelly cee-gars!

    Thursday, February 15, 2007

    Nora, the cat’s meow!

     I got the address from the website, so it if doesn't work, go to: 

    and click on the cats at the top. It is adorable!


    Wednesday, February 14, 2007

    What Women Mean

    Words Women Use: A Refresher Course

     1.) FINE: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

     2.) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five Minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

     3.) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.

     4.) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!

     5.) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)

    6.) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

     7.) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint.  Just say you're welcome.

     8.) Whatever: Is a women's way of saying F@!K YOU!

     9.) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking "what's wrong", for the woman's response refer to # 3.

    Got it??

    Happy V-Day

    Okay, I lost the post I orginally wrote, so I'm just going to wish all of you happiness.

    And if there's someone who is desperate for someone to love, you could try:


    Proceed with extreme caution! heh

    Tuesday, February 13, 2007

    Snap to Attention!

    Wednesday while most of you are celebrating the day of love, stop for a few minutes and offer a prayer for (Maj) Chuck Z who will be undergoing his 34th surgery since being wounded in Iraq. This one is on his hand but the dr will be "borrowing" parts from another part of his body. Thirty-four operations and more to come. God bless Chuck and all the troops in harms way.

    His website From My Position, On The Way is at:

    Update: Chuck posted that his surgery is delayed until Friday.

    Monday, February 12, 2007

    Task Force Phoenix - Afghanistan

    There's a soldier in Afghanistan collecting shoes, coats. gloves, and any other warm clothing you might be able to send for the kids that are running around in the snow barefoot. His name is Michael T. Larkin and his website is at:

    Check out his blog and support his effort, if you can.

    He isn't the first soldier to do something like this, but you won't be hearing about it from any of the "unbiased" networks!

    A Valentine No-No

    Valentine's Day keeps private investivators busy

    Flowers, candy, card may seem innocent, but they know better

    Sunday, February 11, 2007By MIKE MARSHALL

    Times Staff Writer,

    It was Bill Posey's first year as a private investigator, and he was pointing his video camera at a man and a woman lying in bed.

    At 3 a.m., Posey was standing in the doorway of a house he didn't own, watching the couple sleep. They were married, but not to one another.

    For what seemed like an eternity, Posey aimed his video camera at the bed, struggling for a clear shot of the man's face. Finally, the man rolled onto his elbow, then his back.

    Read the rest:

    (go to, scroll down to "Living" on the left side and "You're Caught")

    Sunday, February 11, 2007

    Sour Note

    Seeing The Police together was great. They didn't sing what I was hoping they would and it seemed far too short, but it was good to see them. I thought Sting looked really good, but the hair looks like he cuts it himself!

    I think Shikira and Beyonce should do a shimmy off! They both seem to be able to shake what they have--to the extreme!

    David Spade was a presenter. How in the world....I mean I'm amazed...HOW DOES HE DO IT??? Is he just plain lucky, or what??

    Justin is bringing sexy back! heh In order to do that, shouldn't you be sexy? He looks like a 15 yr old! One of the girls in the run-off to sing with him was from B'ham--she didn't win.

    Al Gore was a presenter! Yes, the tin man was there looking somewhat lost. I guess they've all forgotten about Tipper's push to put labels on cds!

    Christine Aquilera sounded real good singing It's a Man's World. I just wish I could get that song she sang on all the ads for this show out of my head!

    And now for the sour note of the evening. The Ditzy Chiks. I believe this was rigged. They won all 5 catergories. No way. They're mad because people didn't appreciate them going to another country and dissing the president and they write a song about how they aren't ready to make nice---and they win 5 grammies?? What? Someone needs to tell them to shut up...period, don't sing 'cause we're sick of you! Don Henley was the presenter and made a big show of how proud he was of them! They dug up Joan Baez to introduce them--made you just want to toss your cookies, it did! blech

    If you're interested in it, the website is

    I sat through it, using the remote at times and hoping The Police might sing another song, but it didn't happen. Rats.

    The Police Are Coming!

    [YouTube link]

    Tonight at the Grammys! Sting, Stewart and Andy. I hope they'll sing Every Breath You Take, but it's looking like it might be Roxanne. Looking forward to whatever they sing!

    Be there or be square! heh

    (Any suggestions as to why the video doesn't seem to work?)

    Saturday, February 10, 2007

    Bugging the Soldiers

    Dave, at Garfield Ridge, ( has a scary post about an article in Wired concerning a deadly bacteria that some soldiers may be bringing home on their clothes and bodies, especially if they've been wounded by an IED. Seems the insurgent bastards rub their explosive weapons with the flesh of dead animals. The name of the bug is acinetobacter and a website is available at:

    I think people need to be aware of this and do what they can to attack it.

    One more thing to worry about.

    Thursday, February 8, 2007

    Anna Nicole

    I know you shouldn't speak ill of the dead. Trying to keep that in mind, 39 is too young to die but she didn't exactly live a healthy lifestyle. Is that mean---or just true? I never believed she lost all her weight by taking pills. And I thought it was wrong to give other people the idea that it did. I thought she had lipo or maybe a stomach band.

    Her slurred speech made me think she was on drugs or alcohol. And her whacko behavior was annoying. She wore a wedding dress to Marshall's funeral! And no, I never believed that she loved the 89 yr old for anything other than his money and what he could give her. Come on! Hey, look at it this way--they may be reunited! Maybe the old guy put in a plea to God to make it happen.

    I am sorry she died and that her son died and her life seemed to be filled with trauma. Someone said she never knew who her father was. I hope the baby she recently gave birth to ends up in a safe, loving home.

    I also heard a possibility of her death being a murder. Seems strange that Howard was in the room when her son died and was with Anna when she died, and now has possession of a baby worth millions.

     I guess we're not done with hearing all about Anna Nicole.  sigh

    Wednesday, February 7, 2007

    Consider this a warning…..

    Esther Howland, the woman who produced the first commercial American valentines in the 1840s, sold a then mind-boggling $5,000 in cards during her first year of business. The valentine industry in the United States has been booming ever since. Today, over 1 billion valentine cards are sent in this country each year -- second in number only to Christmas cards, according to the Greeting Card Association. (The happy day is also celebrated in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France and Australia.)Around 85 percent of all valentines are purchased by women. In addition to cards, there are millions of boxes of chocolates and bouquets of roses purchased (mostly by men) for the February 14 holiday

    You have 7 days to think of something,   sweet....good..something nice to do for your loved one! Get it done! Don't be like my husband and wait until the day to run by on the way home to get a picked over card! Better than nothing--- barely!

    Does anyone have a special Valentine's Day memory? I've racked my brain but can't remember one. I can remember other special days but not that one.

    SEVEN DAYS......the clock is ticking!!!!

    Arkansas Razorbacks

    Last Tuesday, as President Bush got off the helicopter in front of the White House, he was carrying a baby piglet under each arm. 
      The squared away Marine guard snaps to attention,  Salutes, and says: "Nice pigs, sir." 
      The President replies "These are not pigs, these  are authentic Arkansas Razorback Hogs. I got one for  Senator Hillary Clinton and I got one for Speaker of  The House Nancy Pelosi." 
      The squared away Marine again snaps to attention,  Salutes, and says,  "Excellent trade, sir."

    Tuesday, February 6, 2007

    Houston, We Have a Problem!

    Pray tell, how does a woman go through years of education to become a NASA astronaut, and throw it all away for a bizarre love triangle?

    Lisa Nowak, recently separated with 3 kids, was arrested and charged with attempted first degree murder after driving 900 miles to chase down her rival so she could "talk" to her. She donned a disguise and carried objects that made it seem she intended to do more than talk.

    Her bio says she enjoys bicycling, running, skeet, sailing, gourmet cooking, rubber stamps, crossword puzzles, piano and African violets. I wonder how many of those are available in prison? She could face spending the rest of her life there.

    Oh, and cue "Crazy" by Patsy Cline!

    Monday, February 5, 2007

    Me and My Duck

    Okay, I can't believe how much time I've spent trying to get one lousy picture to show up! Just send me your emails and I'll email it to you! heh I already have a better appreciation of the time it takes to blog, although I'm sure you're all more computer-friendly than I am!

    Plucky Perky, the Lucky Ducky

    I guess most people have heard the tale of the little ring-neck duck, now named Perky, who while flying to warmer digs with her peeps was rudely waylaid by a hunter, grabbed up by a dog with doggy breath and plopped in the back of a truck. A day and a half later, she raises her head when the lady of the house opens the fridge, where she had been deposited, and is taken to a vet. While trying to fix her up, Perky tried to check out twice, but with a thump and a whiff of oxygen, she was revived! Now, she's recovering at a wildlife sanctuary but will not be able to rejoin the call of the wild because of her injured wing.

    I have a special fondness for ducks and actually had two for pets that I raised from ducklings when I was around eight years old.

    I thought we should look at it from her point of view:

    Perky is flying along in formation--maybe she has her eye on a particular drake that she'd like to hook up with later. She's looking at his tailfeathers and thinking: boom-chicka-boom-chicka.....


    She's blasted out of the sky, spiraling toward a hard thud on the ground! The hunter's dog grabs her up and drags her over to his master, who takes her by her feet and plops her in the back of a truck with other ducks. Yikes, dead and bloody ducks!

    She passes out and later wakes up in a cold, dark place. Suddenly there's light and she raises her head when a lady screams and she's on the move again! Humans are still attacking her for some reason, so she closes her eyes. Just then, there's a light and she sees duck friends she hasn't seen in awhile and they are encouraging her to come toward the light! She thinks she might and then..THUMP!

    The humans are at it again! She feels air hitting her face and takes a breath! This time the humans seem happy. After quite a bit of fawning, they put her on a heating pad and she's finally left alone.

    Somewhere in the dark recesses of that tiny cranium, you know she's thinking:

    This is despicable, despicable--fo' rilla!

    Friday, February 2, 2007

    The King of Hollywood

    In the 1930's and 40's that title belonged to Clark Gable, who just had a birthday Feb 1st. I know that as a result of visiting groovyvic's website, Fiddle Dee Dee. (

    He was best known for his role as Rhett Butler in "Gone With The Wind", the most popular movie ever made. Hard to believe he didn't win an Oscar for it, but instead, won one for "It Happened One Night". His studio had loaned him out to teach him a lesson and he showed them by winning an Oscar!

    Two of the best known lines were:

    Tomorrow is another Scarlett, and

    Franklymy dear, I don't give a damn, spoken by Rhett.

    Those were strong words for that time. Of course, it's nothing compared to the language used in today's movies!

    I've always been a fan of GWTW and when our local renovated Alabama Theatre ( - be sure to take a tour) put it on their schedule several years ago, I took my daughter to see it. It was fun seeing it in a beautiful theatre, on a big screen--and we even got to be entertained by the mighty Wutlitzer while we waitied!

    Clark's third wife, Carole Lombard, was killed in a small plane crash while selling war bonds and he was so devasted he joined the Army Air Corp and flew five combat missions as an observer-gunner with B-17 Flying Fortresses (1943), earning the Air Medal and the Distinguished Flying Cross.

    He had a daughter, Judy, with Loretta Young after she became pregnant while making, "Call of the Wild"--obvious joke alert! heh Loretta went to Europe to hide the pregnancy and came home with her 'adopted' daughter, who would look amazingly like her parents!

    His fifth wife, Kay, would give him what he longed for...a son. Unfortunately, John Clark Gable was born four months after Clark's death in 1960.

    After a military funeral, Clark was buried beside Carole Lombard in Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery.

    'Oh, Rhett, where shall I go, what shall I do?'