Monday, February 19, 2007

Good News from No Iraq

While I was waiting for The Amazing Race to come on last night, I watched 60 Mins. The time schedule was off because of the golf show and I didn't want to miss the first of the TAR. One of the sujects was the good news from Iraq. I double-checked to be sure this was CBS.

 As Bob Simon talked, I was stunned! There was all kinds of building going on, people were happy, noone was being killed, and they LOVE Americans! Glad that they were liberated by Americans and are teaching English as a second language to their kids. Did you get that?

Why has this been kept a secret? I know I've never heard about this!

They want to be an American ally! Did I mention they love America?

I know I heard the shrieker of the House pass out! heh

If you missed it, check it out on, 60 Mins. It put a big smile on my face!


  1. What they didn't tell you was that was film footage from Iraq, Iowa.

  2. Hardy - har - har! You have an evil streak, you know it?!
