Monday, February 26, 2007

GWTW - the Musical?

A group of producers have secured the rights from the Margaret Mitchell estate and plan to produce a musical, using the book, in 2008.

Hugh Jackman will play Rhett and Jill Pace, who is said to resemble Vivian Leigh, might  be Scarlett.

It will center on the slaves at Tara and be closer to the novel.

I'll reserve judgement, but GWTW is such a great movie I don't see how it can be improved on. With all the remakes, I'm sure this isn't the only idea that's been thrown out, but replacing Clark Gable and Vivian Leigh--and all the others who seem perfect for this movie? Doesn't seem doable!

I plan to go see my favorite movie at the Alabama Theatre this summer. If you haven't seen it on a big haven't seen it in all its glory! And certain parts can still make me tear up!

Frankly, my dear, it is the best!


  1. I resisted watching this movie until recently (I mean, I loved Underworld for crying out loud lol), but ya know...I love it too. :)

  2. Hugh Jackman as Rhett? Wolverine? I don't think so!

    Why try to re-create what was perfection? And if they stay close to the book, the musical will be forever long!

    I'll bet Margaret Mitchell is rolling over in her grave.

  3. Heh, you got a link from Basil. Your little blog is coming up in the world. :)

  4. Uber - You should see it on a big screen!

    GroovyVic - This play is suppose to be more on the dark side with not so much emphasis on Rhett and Scarlett. My question--why bother!

    fm - Pay attention! Basil was the one who dangled the carrot under my nose! Don't worry, I won't forget you! heh (Do I have to say I'm kidding?)

  5. Is it going to be a movie theatre musical or is it going to be on Broadway?

    Going now to Google Jill Pace cause I have no clue...LOL

  6. It said it would first appear in London, sounds like a musical on stage. If you go to and do a search for gwtw musical, you can read the entire article which isn't very long. Focus will be on Scarlett and the slaves more than Rhett and Scarlett.
    There was a discussion on it at, but I had to look away!

  7. the actors have been cast and rehearsels are in full swing, the official website has pictures and videos showing who has been chosen for the main roles and why. The is also a photo of the theatre set, which will come out amongst the audience, The musical will be more like Les Miserables and heavier productions than more fluffy musicals, being based on the book and from the slaves view point more.

  8. is the place to look for videos of the cast, rehearsals and the theatre set. it looks good and a lot of work has gone into making this musical something different - it will be following the original book, but they way they are planning to do it is something special!
