Friday, May 30, 2008

Bye Susan

Susan Sarandon has said if Obamarama doesn't win or if McCain wins the election, it will be too dangerous here and she'll have to check out Italy or Canada! Do these Hollyweird twits not realize that we don't care where they live?

Get over yourselves!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


48 Hours had a program about multiple wives last night. Notice it's always multiple wives, not husbands! Personally, I wouldn't want it either way!

Two of the wives on the program were twin sisters--married to the same man with a third wife! They had bunches of kids and lived in a big house. They admitted they got jealeous at times. The husband didn't want to be on camera because he was afraid it might hurt his business--it wasn't mentioned what kind it was. They wore regular clothes and didn't stand out like the ones we've seen on tv lately.

One little note, since their marriages aren't legal, they are considered single mothers and qualify for welfare!

Commies No Like

It seems the Russian commies are not fond of the way they are protrayed in the new Indiana Jones movie and think the movie should be banned in their country! So much for artistic expression!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Indiana at Midnight

My son and I were going to see Iron Man last night but when we got there there weren't going to be any more showings. Disappointment. The ticket seller said they were going to have a midnight showing of the new Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull so we decided we'd like to see it! It was good--although alittle late when it was over! I thought some parts were pushing it but overall, it was good.  

We still need to see Iron Man!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Taylor's New Address---Broadway

Taylor Hicks was on the Today Show this morning, announcing that he would be in Grease on Broadway. Sounds like it might be tailor-made for him!

He said it would be great to stay in one place for a while! Here's wishing much success to him!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


One night recently we had visitors that we had not seen in a long time. We used to see them a lot. They are pretty and very dear. I usually look for them when I arrive home but the night they came, I was busy getting groceries out of the car and missed them. When I got inside my son wanted to know if I had seen them and I said no! He said they were about 5 feet from my car and had bounced across the yard and across the road into the woods.  He said there were three adult deers. I'm going to miss them when I move!

Could someone please tell Ba-ba Wa-wa to zip it! And how is Star being mean when she only repeated what Ba-ba said in her book?! Holy cow--bring back shame

Ellen D. was trying on lingerie over her clothes the other day and it was creepy! I felt like sticking my finger in my ears and going lalalala! (shudder)

The blue bird is still pooping on my car! He fights with himself in the mirror. I parked next to a car with the same thing and thought they have a blue bird, too!


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

This is me at 27, about to become a mom for the first time.

Give your mom a hug and tell her you love her!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Military Spouce Day



Military spouses embody the courage, nobility of duty, and love of country that inspire every American. On Military Spouse Day, we pay tribute to the husbands and wives who support their spouses in America's Armed Forces during times of war and peace.

The legacy of military spouses began when colonial Americans were fighting for independence. Martha Washington boosted the morale of her husband's troops by visiting battlefields and tending to the wounded. Since then, members of our Armed Forces have served our Nation accompanied by the steadfast love and support of their spouses and families.

While our men and women in uniform are protecting our country's founding ideals of liberty, democracy, and justice, their spouses live with uncommon challenges, endure sleepless nights, and spend long periods raising children alone. Many military spouses are also committed volunteers, serving other military families and local communities. Our Nation benefits from the sacrifices of our military families, and we are inspired by their courage, strength, and leadership.

On Military Spouse Day and throughout the year, we honor the commitment spouses have made to freedom's cause. To learn about ways to support our troops and their spouses and families, I encourage all Americans to visit

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 9, 2008, as Military Spouse Day. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities and by expressing their gratitude to the husbands and wives of those serving in the United States Armed Forces.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifth day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-second.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tom's Visit to Ro's World

I found a transcript of the show where Tom"The Man" Selleck went on Rosie's show to talk about a movie and she tried to hold him responsible as a spokesman for the NRA, which he kept telling her he wasn't, and  any problem related to guns but she was too much in love with the sound of her own voice to let him talk! He remained a gentleman and she was loud and rude! What has changed?

She Walks Among Us

Guess who was on The Today Show Monday? The truther, Rosie O'Donnell. After enjoying her abscence from tv for awhile, she crawled out from under her rock and reappeared! She believes what Wright said was right. She doesn't get hung up on facts! Blah, blah, blah! 

She felt so badly about Columbine, she saw a therapist and started taking medication. Do you think they need to be increased?! And she may feel badly about the ambush she pulled on Tom Selleck on her old show. Too late.

Video here:

USS Independence, Lcs 2

Launched and built in Mobile, AL!

Thanks to Blackfive

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Have you heard about the babies in India being thrown 50 feet off a building for GOOD LUCK?! They are caught in a sheet and the claim is that there has never been an "accident". I sure hope not!,2933,353657,00.html

If you don't read Blackfive, you missed the story about the newborn baby boy that was left at the gate of one of the American bases in a zip up bag recently.  He was a cute baby with a head full of hair! An Iraqi woman plans to adopt him.  Caused quite a bit of excitement after some soldiers watched a woman get out of a car and place the bag by the gate and drive off--they thought they might have a bomb!

Adoption isn't looked upon as a good thing and there are so many orphans there presently. Some women put pillows under their clothes and go to the doctor's office before they claim to have given birth!

There was a story about three sisters whose parents were killed in front of them and who are now in an orphanage. The older one took over and tried to take care of her sisters but when she reached a certain age, she had to go to another orphanage. Now at about 14, she has had 3 wedding proposals! She said she wanted to go to school and be an engineer like her father. I doubt she will have any say over her future.