Friday, May 30, 2008

Bye Susan

Susan Sarandon has said if Obamarama doesn't win or if McCain wins the election, it will be too dangerous here and she'll have to check out Italy or Canada! Do these Hollyweird twits not realize that we don't care where they live?

Get over yourselves!


  1. A bunch of Hollyweirdos threatened to do this in '04 when Bush beat Kerry. To the best of my knowledge, none of them followed through. They're like little kids throwing a tantrum and threatening to run away from home if they don't get their way.

  2. They seem to think that people actually care if they stay here. I'll buy her the ticket if she'll leave forever.

  3. She thinks we still care. How pathetic. Here is a clue for her: Most of us never cared in the first place. Hey, Susan, don't let the door hit on your way out. And will the last Hollywood "star" to leave please turn off the lights. It's the "green" thing to do.

  4. They always say that and yet they're still here. This country would be so much better without them. Maybe we should start holding them to their words.
