Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Me Meme

Carol, at Alabama Improper, is real busy but she found time to hit me with a meme where I'm to tell 8 things about myself and then torture, er pass it on to 8 more vic, people!

Lock your doors and turn out the lights!!

1. I am still ticked off at Santa 'cause he never brought the horse I asked for --every bloomin' year!

2. I love humor! (If you haven't guessed by now!) My cousin calls me a smarta$$--but laughs while saying it!

3. Everytime I see a Mustang, I want one of the loud, gas guzzlers. I had one some time ago until the husband left it unlocked in a parking lot! We had already settled with the insurance co when it was found.

4. About the same thing happens when I watch a horse race! Makes me want to hop on a horse and say giddy-up! Too many Westerns, I guess! You know the little trick they do where the rider hops over the rump and lands in the saddle? I think I could do that on a pony! heh

5. I love the beach--sand, seagulls, breeze, sound of the ocean--love it all! Sunburn, things with teeth in the water...not so much! But having a house on the beach would be great!

6. I enjoy traveling and if I had deep pockets, would see a lot more of the world. I would even consider living in another country for awhile, maybe. I really like Italy.

7. All the good things I did while pregnant with my son were negated by my dr's failure to show up at the hospital when I went in. He had a dental appt. That's right, my baby had one chance of being born and the dentist was a friend of his who, I'm sure, would've made a special appt for him anytime. I needed a c-section and by the time he got there it was too late and the end result was my son having 2 blood clots on the lining of his brain, surgery at 1 and a lifetime of cerebral palsy. This is not something they tell you. You're left on your own to figure it out for yourself. I might do a post about that ....one day.

8. I have very little technical blogging know-how! Can you tell?!

My Victims:

PJ Maximum-http://pjmax.blogspot.com/
blah blah blog-http://blog.otownhandyman.com/
wrecks of oregon-http://www.wrecksoforegon.blogspot.com/
Nobody Move!-http://armedrobbery.blogspot.com/
Peakah's Provocations-http://www.peakah.blogspot.com/


  1. Wow, on number 7, I am so sorry. My son has very mild brain damage through no one's fault but I can't imagine my attitude towards someone who was responsible for that. And I think you do need to do a post, it might be good for you and helpful for everyone else to know. Again, I'm so sorry.

    I'm with ya on #'s 2, 5 & 6.

  2. I appreciate your thoughts, Dee, but the only one who should be sorry is the dr! He was a happy baby and very smart. He is also artistically talented which blows people away. I am thankful that he is able to walk and try not to dwell on what's missing. We had a very rough start!

    I hope your son is doing well.
