[YouTube link]
Hard to imagine someone killing their newlywed spouse on their honeymoon, but that is exactly what this creep did.
When I first heard this story in 2003, I thought it must've been an accident but no, it wasn't. They were on their honeymoon in Australia and were on a dive at the Great Barrier Reef. He swam to the boat to seek "help" although he had training as a rescuer himself. He had left his wife of eleven days on the bottom of the ocean. No better love, huh. Gabe didn't realize that another diver had seen him giving his wife a bear hug (at which time he most likely turned her oxygen off!) and letting her body drift to the bottom. Can you imagine being face to face with your new spouse and knowing that they were killing you? Why? Insurance money. How sad is that?
At first, he was allowed to come home (AL) but the case was not forgotten and finally, he was brought back to Australia for a trial. He pled guilty of not helping his wife and received FOUR years! Of that, He'll only serve ONE year for murder which is really what it was. A trial could've brought him a life sentence--but one year?! He had to have planned this well ahead of the wedding. He had asked her to name him beneficiary of her life insurance and took out more insurance at the airport.
After she was buried, the flowers the family put on her grave kept disappearing so the father started bolting them down--they continued to disappear. The police put a camera in the cemetary and guess who was caught with a bolt cutter, removing them? The creepy husband!
He has already remarried--why do women marry men like this? (Drew Peterson, etc) He inherited her house and he and his "new" wife are living there. Just makes me want to barf!
I hope her family keeps up the pressure on him and they are shunned in their neighborhood.
Tina was just 26 years old.

Update" The Alabama AG has contacted the Australian authorities to review this case! Hopefully, Tina's family will get some justice after all.
Shame on you ,Australian justice system!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is no justice- for a premeditated Murder.
So everyone who wants to collect some insurance money,just Murder someone in the same way,and you could be set for life!!! How easy is that.
It seems the bigger and brutal the crime,the smaller the punishment!
Watson should die for this.
I know you can't judge a book by its cover, but she looked so sweet and adorable and he indeed looks like a scumbag. I can't help but think he will receive some karmic retribution for this.