Letterman has become a sleazebag! He really needs to retire! He seems to be having a memory problem--he forgot all about having his son out-of-wedlock and not marrying the mother for 4-5 years. Big memory lapse! He can't claim being young and impetuous either. He was in his late 50's and old enough to know better.
The comments about Palin and her family are far from funny---they're tiresome! Just like Dave's show. It was funny this week, one time, to hear Julia Roberts kissing up and telling Dave that he was the funniest late night host! HA He can have her come on every night, doesn't matter. He's still not funny any more. CBS was conned when they renewed his contract. Rip off!
I used to love Letterman years ago, but haven't watched in over a decade now. I watch sometimes just to see if he's funny again, but I'm always disappointed. Poor, sad Dave.
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[...] Blog Archive » Kathleen Parker: Palin kind of asked for those nasty Letterman jokes, didn’t she? Frankly, My Dear… » Blog Archive » People In Glass Houses…. lead and gold So When Will Letterman Joke About Obama’s Mother Being a Whore? « AmeriCAN-DO [...]
ReplyDeleteGood for Sarah Palin! I wasn't sure if there was an unacceptable line liberals could cross, but maybe Letterman found it. He's just a cranky old man who needs some prune juice. I never really liked Leno either. I hope this gives Conan a big bump.