Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
Hope all the dads have a great day!
Please go read about the Hoyt father/son team and if you can spare alittle, decide to help sponsor them! I have admired this man since I first saw him push his son, tow him and balance him on the handlebars during a triathalon! Amazing doesn't do him justice!
Please go read about the Hoyt father/son team and if you can spare alittle, decide to help sponsor them! I have admired this man since I first saw him push his son, tow him and balance him on the handlebars during a triathalon! Amazing doesn't do him justice!
Friday, June 19, 2009
What's so hard about staying onboard a cruise ship? Three people have gone overboard in the past month in the Gulf of Mexico! One was found clinging to a buoy on the ship's return trip! I bet he was clinging! I wonder if he could hear the opening song from Jaws while he was clinging?!The dummy said he was standing on the railing to get a better view of something when he slipped off! Maybe they should limit the alcohol intake! Or have them take an IQ test before they can get on the ship!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
One of Many
The other night, a storm came through and after blinking, we heard a very loud boom and the lights went out! Always guarantees a good time! Our closest neighbors are on a different line so their power stayed on! Just to be sure there was no doubt about their power still being on they had all their outside lights on and most of the inside lights, too! So much fun to be sitting in the dark--and I DO mean DARK--and knowing the neighbors have power to spare! :) Of course, that meant no tv, no computer, no nothing that required electricity!
The cordless phone won't work without power so my son had to dig out the rotary so I could report it. We have one working light and several non-working lights and I remembered seeing batteries and lights at the check-out and thinking I should get some of those! So, I'm holding the phone, trying to make out the phone number and dialing at the same time! The lady at the power co couldn't give me an estimate of how long it would take. Seems there were lots of people in the same boat we were in! That's always good news--NOT! I knew we might be in for a long wait since we were basically by ourselves. We did have a battery operated radio but because they were changing the tvs from analog, we couldn't pick up the tv station on it anymore.
As it got later and we hadn't seen any trucks, repair work seemed to be a long way off! I tried to go to sleep but kept waking up, so around 4 or 5 am I got dressed and went in search of a new battery and a flashlight. I was even thinking about which motel would be a good bet for that night. I had just read about the housekeeper who told all in an article about how sometimes they have to hurry and might only wipe out the sink and just flush the toilet! Yuk! I found a new battery and got a new flashlight (wonder how long we'll have this one?) and went home to try to take a nap.
Still no power, so I proceeded to nap and around 1 pm my son woke me up saying the power repair guys were on our street! It was raining and windy but they got our power on! Yay for the guys who come out in that kind of weather to bring alittle light into your life! We found out later that there were around 100,000 houses without power! We were without for 15 hours but it could've been alot worse!
I know one thing, I was not meant to be a pioneer woman!
The cordless phone won't work without power so my son had to dig out the rotary so I could report it. We have one working light and several non-working lights and I remembered seeing batteries and lights at the check-out and thinking I should get some of those! So, I'm holding the phone, trying to make out the phone number and dialing at the same time! The lady at the power co couldn't give me an estimate of how long it would take. Seems there were lots of people in the same boat we were in! That's always good news--NOT! I knew we might be in for a long wait since we were basically by ourselves. We did have a battery operated radio but because they were changing the tvs from analog, we couldn't pick up the tv station on it anymore.
As it got later and we hadn't seen any trucks, repair work seemed to be a long way off! I tried to go to sleep but kept waking up, so around 4 or 5 am I got dressed and went in search of a new battery and a flashlight. I was even thinking about which motel would be a good bet for that night. I had just read about the housekeeper who told all in an article about how sometimes they have to hurry and might only wipe out the sink and just flush the toilet! Yuk! I found a new battery and got a new flashlight (wonder how long we'll have this one?) and went home to try to take a nap.
Still no power, so I proceeded to nap and around 1 pm my son woke me up saying the power repair guys were on our street! It was raining and windy but they got our power on! Yay for the guys who come out in that kind of weather to bring alittle light into your life! We found out later that there were around 100,000 houses without power! We were without for 15 hours but it could've been alot worse!
I know one thing, I was not meant to be a pioneer woman!
Monday, June 15, 2009
If you haven't read about the telemarketers that make those awful car warranty calls, you need to read this article! Unbelieveably, they've made 10 million smackers doing this! I seriously doubt this little bump in the road will slow them down much.
I have caller ID and when I see what looks like a telemarketer, I don't even answer the phone. I signed up for the 'do not call' list long ago but it seems to be overlooked, now. < sigh>
Did I mention I can't stand these jerks? I feel the same way about all the spam I get on a daily basis!
If you haven't read about the telemarketers that make those awful car warranty calls, you need to read this article! Unbelieveably, they've made 10 million smackers doing this! I seriously doubt this little bump in the road will slow them down much.
I have caller ID and when I see what looks like a telemarketer, I don't even answer the phone. I signed up for the 'do not call' list long ago but it seems to be overlooked, now. < sigh>
Did I mention I can't stand these jerks? I feel the same way about all the spam I get on a daily basis!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
People In Glass Houses....
Letterman has become a sleazebag! He really needs to retire! He seems to be having a memory problem--he forgot all about having his son out-of-wedlock and not marrying the mother for 4-5 years. Big memory lapse! He can't claim being young and impetuous either. He was in his late 50's and old enough to know better.
The comments about Palin and her family are far from funny---they're tiresome! Just like Dave's show. It was funny this week, one time, to hear Julia Roberts kissing up and telling Dave that he was the funniest late night host! HA He can have her come on every night, doesn't matter. He's still not funny any more. CBS was conned when they renewed his contract. Rip off!
I used to love Letterman years ago, but haven't watched in over a decade now. I watch sometimes just to see if he's funny again, but I'm always disappointed. Poor, sad Dave.
Send a message to CBS.
The comments about Palin and her family are far from funny---they're tiresome! Just like Dave's show. It was funny this week, one time, to hear Julia Roberts kissing up and telling Dave that he was the funniest late night host! HA He can have her come on every night, doesn't matter. He's still not funny any more. CBS was conned when they renewed his contract. Rip off!
I used to love Letterman years ago, but haven't watched in over a decade now. I watch sometimes just to see if he's funny again, but I'm always disappointed. Poor, sad Dave.
Send a message to CBS.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Daniel Gabriel Watson, Murderer
[YouTube link]
Hard to imagine someone killing their newlywed spouse on their honeymoon, but that is exactly what this creep did.
When I first heard this story in 2003, I thought it must've been an accident but no, it wasn't. They were on their honeymoon in Australia and were on a dive at the Great Barrier Reef. He swam to the boat to seek "help" although he had training as a rescuer himself. He had left his wife of eleven days on the bottom of the ocean. No better love, huh. Gabe didn't realize that another diver had seen him giving his wife a bear hug (at which time he most likely turned her oxygen off!) and letting her body drift to the bottom. Can you imagine being face to face with your new spouse and knowing that they were killing you? Why? Insurance money. How sad is that?
At first, he was allowed to come home (AL) but the case was not forgotten and finally, he was brought back to Australia for a trial. He pled guilty of not helping his wife and received FOUR years! Of that, He'll only serve ONE year for murder which is really what it was. A trial could've brought him a life sentence--but one year?! He had to have planned this well ahead of the wedding. He had asked her to name him beneficiary of her life insurance and took out more insurance at the airport.
After she was buried, the flowers the family put on her grave kept disappearing so the father started bolting them down--they continued to disappear. The police put a camera in the cemetary and guess who was caught with a bolt cutter, removing them? The creepy husband!
He has already remarried--why do women marry men like this? (Drew Peterson, etc) He inherited her house and he and his "new" wife are living there. Just makes me want to barf!
I hope her family keeps up the pressure on him and they are shunned in their neighborhood.
Tina was just 26 years old.

Update" The Alabama AG has contacted the Australian authorities to review this case! Hopefully, Tina's family will get some justice after all.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
D Day

I watched some actual film on PBS about the war and it made me cry for the men who were lost. What a horrible experience at such a tender age. At any age, really.
Remember to keep our troops in your prayers.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Baby Killer
The mother is the patient--the fetus is the PROBLEM.
George Tiller
I watched a graphic video abour Dr. Tiller's job. Hard to look at tiny humans torn into pieces. He did that everyday!
There was an attempted abortion where he missed the heart with an injection but managed to go through the head twice. The baby girl was born alive but blind. She lived for five years before dying from the attempted abortion.
I feel sorry for his family but I'm having trouble working up sympathy for him.
George Tiller
I watched a graphic video abour Dr. Tiller's job. Hard to look at tiny humans torn into pieces. He did that everyday!
There was an attempted abortion where he missed the heart with an injection but managed to go through the head twice. The baby girl was born alive but blind. She lived for five years before dying from the attempted abortion.
I feel sorry for his family but I'm having trouble working up sympathy for him.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Is The Media in Love With BHO?
Well, D'uh!!
This is a good article about this very subject. It's sickening how much fawning goes on all the time!
Update: I didn't watch the love fest by NBC last night with Brian Williams and BHO. My stomach couldn't take it! I saw a video of Brian telling Barry good-night and instead of kissing him, he bowed his head while shaking his hand! Barf! I'm sure there was some intense looking into Barry's eyes. Oh, I made myself sick to my stomach!
Is everyone in the MSM gutless?
Well, D'uh!!
This is a good article about this very subject. It's sickening how much fawning goes on all the time!
Update: I didn't watch the love fest by NBC last night with Brian Williams and BHO. My stomach couldn't take it! I saw a video of Brian telling Barry good-night and instead of kissing him, he bowed his head while shaking his hand! Barf! I'm sure there was some intense looking into Barry's eyes. Oh, I made myself sick to my stomach!
Is everyone in the MSM gutless?
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