Monday, May 11, 2009

What's His Name?

That's what I thought I'd be asking you today!

I saw an actor on an Law & Order show Fri night and recognized his handsome face but couldn't recall his name! I knew he had played a doc on one of those shows but couldn't come up with that either. It was annoying me like crazy!

It seemed like his name was Chris, Clint or something like that. I could see his face but the name was not to be had!

I tried Googling tv docs and numerous other things. People would talk about Dr Welby, Dr Kildare, Dr Casey, etc, etc, but no mention of this guy! I thought I was doomed to never come up with his name when after a long time someone mentioned CHAD EVERETT! Finally, relief!

He's still a looker with his mostly gray hair!

After all of this, my son says oh, you should've just clicked on! My response was oh, if you value your life you better run away as fast as you can!! Smarty pants! ;)

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