Saturday, April 25, 2009

They Say It's Your Birthday!

[YouTube link]

As of 4 something this morning, I tacked on another year! Woo-hoo! I remember when birthdays were fun! Now I just wonder how they come around so fast!


  1. Woo-hoo for you!

    Happy, happy birthday to you, and many more to come, no matter how quickly they seem to come around.

    You were born 4 days before I was, but many years later. You’ll never catch up with me.

  2. belated best wishes for the happiest of days

  3. Thanks, Don! Yep--faster than a speeding bullet! April seems to be a good month for birthdays!

    Thanks, hb! Mr flashdancer with the jello legs! ;)

  4. Happy belated birthday, Linda. I know how you feel, I'm not too thrilled with birthdays anymore, either. Of course getting older, while no fun, still beats the alternative.

  5. Thanks, John! I know it beats the dirt nap, I just hate that they speed by!
