Friday, April 24, 2009

Mail From Home

[YouTube link]

HT: Blackfive


  1. Speaking from experience: During my career in the military I probably spent more time outside of the USA than I did inside the borders of the USA. “Mail Call” was the high point of my day if I got letters from those I had left behind, and the low point, if I go no mail. I hope that everyone who knows someone who is serving our country, especially if they are serving in a foreign land, will take time to frequently write to them, encourage them, tell them how much they are appreciated, and send them a bit of love from the USA. If they are personally “close” they might dab the envelope and pages inside with a bit of their perfume, or after-shave, depending on what their gender may be, or even a lipstick imprint.

    And I send you some love for posting this, Linda. :-)

  2. Thanks, Don. I feel like it's the least we can do for them.
