Monday, March 31, 2008


If your parents are Bill and Hillary Clinton, should you really be criticizing ANYONE??

No April Fool Joke

But it was fun to point out to JP that the PBS Frontline show about the Bad VooDoo Platoon was going to be on April lst! I think it comes on around 9 PM. Be there!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Tiger Video, Made By Elephants

I saw the neatest video this morning of a tiger family that was made by a park  elephant with a trunk cam! I found it on the website but it isn't a YouTube video and I couldn't post it but it is well worth the little bit of trouble to track it down and watch!

Look for the video from an elephant's point of view.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Dresses

Every Easter I am reminded of all the pretty dresses my mother made for me and my sisters. I think this is one at around the age of 5. While I am grateful that she had our pictures made every year, I wish she had put a date on the back of them! I remember the shoes that hurt my feet and the dresses that were scratchy! After church we usually went to my grandmother's when she was living for a family dinner with aunts, incles and cousins. Afterwards there was an egg hunt with lots of places to hide them! Later, I would go with my cousins to their cousins for dinner and an egg hunt. So I looked forward to Easter almost as much as Christmas because of the family time.

I didn't particularly like the fittings for the dresses but they were really beautiful when finished! It doesn't show up that well in the photograph, but she made flowers out of ribbon around the bottom! I don't know what kind of torture I went through to get my straight hair to look curly!

I hope your Easter is a happy one and if you make pictures, don't forget to put a date on the back!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Lights Could Be Bad For Health

You know the more expensive light bulbs that have been crammed down our throats as more friendly to the environment, etc? Well, on the news there was an interesting story about how they contain mercury and you don't want to break one and you also can't just throw a used one in the garbage! Hot Air already had a post done so go read!

Spc Monica Lin Brown

Army Spc Brown was the second woman to receive the Silver Star since WWII, and the first in Afghanistan. The 19 yr old medic saved the lives of several soldiers after a roadside bomb tore through a convoy of humvees. She ran through insurgent gunfire to tend to the wounded soldiers.

She said she didn't have time to be scared.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Michael Monsoor - Medal of Honor

His death didn't get the coverage that Anna Nicole's did, but it should have. He was a Navy Seal whose family will recieve the Medal of Honor on April 8th, at the White House. In May of 2006, he won a Silver Star for pulling a wounded soldier to  safety while bullets fell all around. Four months later, he threw himself onto a grenade and saved several soldiers who were with him.,13319,116817,00.html

What a contrast to be willing to give your life for your country and others who can't find anything good about it!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day



Sunday, March 16, 2008

JP and PBS

Mark April 1st on your calendars to watch JP and the Bad VooDoo Platoon on PBS! Some of the soldiers were given video camers earlier to record their experience in Iraq and now it will be on Frontline. The trailer is up on JP's site:

And the post I did about JP is:

Also read the post about the WaPo's incorrect article giving American soldiers credit for attacking a busload of Iraqi civilians. Toby Nunn of Northern Exposure did a post about it also. He is a member of Bad VooDoo Platoon.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dirty Bird

For the past week or so, I've had a bird pooping on the front doors of my car--mostly on the drivers side. I couldn't quite figure out how it seemed to show up in exactly the same place after I washed it off, and there was so much of it I thought it must be a crow or something bigger! We do have owls and hawks around here. The mystery was finally solved today when I looked out and noticed a bird sitting on the outside mirror--he would fly down in front of the mirror and back up and back and forth continuously until I walked out to shoo his nutty little bird brain away! It would be a lot funnier if he hadn't left so much poop behind!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Helen Keller

This is a photo made in 1888 of Helen Keller and her teacher Anne Sullivan. Helen was blind and deaf from a year and a half and her teacher taught her by putting her hand inside her own and spelling words. The first word she learned was doll because she loved her dolls. It is a truly amazing story and, of course, the movie that was made with Patty Duke as Helen was great.

Her childhood home is in Tuscumbia, AL, and I regret to say I haven't been there.....yet.,2933,335410,00.html

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008

Tony Rezko

Who is Tony Rezko and why is he going on trial today?