Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dirty Bird

For the past week or so, I've had a bird pooping on the front doors of my car--mostly on the drivers side. I couldn't quite figure out how it seemed to show up in exactly the same place after I washed it off, and there was so much of it I thought it must be a crow or something bigger! We do have owls and hawks around here. The mystery was finally solved today when I looked out and noticed a bird sitting on the outside mirror--he would fly down in front of the mirror and back up and back and forth continuously until I walked out to shoo his nutty little bird brain away! It would be a lot funnier if he hadn't left so much poop behind!


  1. You might have shooed him away, but he'll be back! Speaking of nutty little bird brains, you just described me! I love my birds, feed them every day (multiple times, I don't think of them as birds, they're flying pigs). Love 'em or hate 'em, you've got to admit they're entertaining.

    BTW, I've been out of pocket lately, when's that doctor's appointment? Have you already gone or what??


  2. I like birds, just not having my car "decorated"! I feed them sometimes. He comes back everyday!
    Haven't made an appt yet!

  3. He's found a home!!

    How are your eyes? Are you doing OK? Your typing seems to be pretty good :)

    Make that appointment! If you need a ride, LET ME KNOW. OK?
