Wednesday, August 6, 2008


If you didn't see the Paris spoof commercial yet, look it up. It was obvious the twit didn't write it--other than that's hot!

A decade or so ago, my uncle started muting the commercials while watching TV. We just smiled at each other. Now I find myself doing the same thing sometimes!  Some commercials are just so irritating!! I think it's a sonic that is always so stupid--idiot woman can't get you're driving me.....CUP! (bananas) Ye gads, people! And the same for the burger king crowd--I cannot stand the creepy king!! The best commercial was when the moms were trying to kill him! There's so many that need to be silenced!

There is one that I like. They don't say a word and always show a sunny beach with the sound of the ocean and seagulls. It's for corona--and I'm not a beer drinker, but I always watch their commercial! It's hot!

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