Friday, June 15, 2007

Google Me This

Most of the Google hits I get are for someone I've done a post about or my dear--not sure what they're looking for! But recently, I got a doozie! Someone had googled "nude yogurt fights" and my blog came up! I knew I hadn't been involved in any nude fights, with or without yogurt! I looked it up and they had taken my post about my cat liking yogurt and another about 18,000 Mexicans posing nude for art! No mention of fights!

Are there a lot of nude yogurt fights??


  1. I'm always amazed at how some people find my page. I still get hits from people searching for "Florence Henderson nude". There are a lot of sick people out there. lol

  2. How funny! And I'm afraid you're right about sickos!

  3. "Apparently you've never been to Singapore."

  4. No I haven't. Is that where the nude yogurt fights are going on?

  5. They like yogurt fights. They like it long time. lol

  6. I may have to cleanse my mind before I have yogurt again!

  7. I met Florence Henderson backstage about a decade ago and she has an incredible body and is one sexy lady. In her act, she talked about multiple uses for cooking oil Mrs. Brady never imagined.
    If her boyfriend wasn't their I would have throw caution to the wind. She's 4' 11" of WOMAN.
