Be on the look-out for Joe Francis! He's a fugitive! Failed to appear in court! Excuse me, it's hard to type and bend over double with laughter at the same time! HAHAHAHA Could it happen to a more deserving sleazebag? His amount to pay the girls who sued him has already been increased! heh There's got to be a play on Girls Gone Wild somewhere in there!
UPDATE: Francis is in custody in FL. Heck, I was hoping to see him on America's Most Wanted!
Did you see the guy who climbed about 60' up a tree to catch his pet cockatoo? He said the bird slept with him and was potty-trained. (I wonder how you do that?) So he just hugged the tree and went up to where it was. Problem was, he couldn't get down once he had the bird! Two different helicopters tried to get him down before one was successful! It was said that he planned to clip the bird's wings once he got home! That might be a good idea! I wonder if he got a bill for the helicopters?

You've most likely heard about the volunteer fireman who was suppose to be on his way to a contest but stopped off at a park and put on a display that scared someone enough to call the cops! Do you think he knows he will NEVER live this down??! Never!
I hadn't heard about the Titanic couple, wow!!
ReplyDeleteI was bummed that Uchenna and Joyce got eliminated on Amazing Race. Although, my kids and I have decided that cousins Charla and Myrna are the only ones we don't want to win, everyone else we'd be okay with.