Friday, January 16, 2009

Do You Hear What I Hear?

After spending the past two years dumping on President Bush, Obama has said he always thought he was a good man.

 Way to hold back! (snark alert)


  1. What caught my eye in the article was when Obama said, “he thought Bush made “the best decisions that he could at times under some very difficult circumstances.”

    Obama, I think, is just trying to expand his political base by saying kind things about Bush after the Bush administration has bent over backwards in an effort to make the transition to the new presidency seamless. Bending over backwards invites all manner of obscene activities.

    I believe that this whole thing is a charade and that former and now deceased Alabama Governor George Corley Wallace was correct when he said many years ago that there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican parties. Both parties are in chorus with each other and America needs more choices other than just identical twins.

    Pardon my rant, Linda. I now relinquish the soapbox back to you, the rightful owner of this blog, with thanks for allowing me to vent.
    I hope you’re enjoying a wonderful weekend. :-)

  2. Just being a politican would be my guess! Not impressed!

    I'm so glad it warmed up just a little!
