Friday, October 10, 2008


Did you see the video of a TMZ reporter interviewing Katie Couric about her interview with Sarah Palin--the one where she asked her insipid question about newspapers and magazines? Wasn't it cute the way Katie mocked Gov Palin's answer? Oh yeah, lots of fair and balanced there! Someone should give Katie a clue--she has 5 kids, a husband and is governor of a state and she's most likely like the rest of us who read news on the internet!

I almost wish she had said she reads The National Enquirer! I mean if they're going to talk about you anyway, give 'em something to talk about! Can you imagine the look on Katie's face? Priceless!

I saw one by P Diddy that looked clever. It was him in a dark room with just a flashlight under his chin, talking about how scared he was of Sarah Palin! Ooooo, me too! He was showing Katie's impressive interview so I stopped watching right there! Besides, it was scaring me just seeing P's massive lips flapping in the breeze!  Hard to tell which is bigger--his ego or his mouth!

Shouldn't he be in prison for shooting someone when he was dating Jennifer Lopez?

Then there was Alec Baldwin making fun of Palin's accent.  I wonder how his little "piggie" is doing now?

Madonna, the skankiest of the skanks, is using her no talent concerts to put down Palin. Consider the source! Go back to England, skank!

One of the funniest was Bridgette Bardot--I thought she was DEAD!! How many furs has she worn in her lifetime?!

Cybil Sheppard, who's only claim to fame is having sex with Elvis,  doesn't like Palin because she's against abortions! I don't understand the people who are for abortions but don't you dare try to execute a murderer!

And then there are the ones of kids singing like little brain washed  zombies!

There's more and they all have one thing in common--BORING!


There's a good post about how Sarah is treated by the media at:

Give 'em hell, Gov Palin!

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