Friday, April 18, 2008


The 28 year old gorilla, Babec, had to be put to sleep due to heart disease problems. I think he was the only gorilla at the Birmingham Zoo. He had surgery in 2004 to have a pacemaker installed and in recent weeks had been clutching his chest.

I was a room mother for both of my kids and we went to the zoo fairly often on field trips. I always liked to look at the gorilla but was afraid of him, also! In spite of the sign outside his cage that said do not tap on the glass, there were always some smarty pants teens who would do exactly that and more.  The gorilla would act like he wasn't paying attention and suddenly jump to the front and hit the glass which would make everyone screan and jump! 

There's an article about him at the zoo site:


  1. I read an article recently that says almost all gorillas in U.S. zoos are dying prematurely of heart disease. They can't figure out why.

  2. By the way, Sunday April 20 is free admission day at the zoo.

  3. I read the same thing about heart disease.

    Thanks for the heads up about the zoo--I just might go. I have a birthday on the 25th, I might give myself a party! ;)

  4. Linda, here's an early wish for you to enjoy a wonderful birthday on the 25th and many, many more.

    That makes you 4 days older than me because mine is on the 29th. :-)

  5. Thanks, Don! I appreciate it!
