Thursday, July 5, 2007

Funny and Not so Funny

Go read this very funny satire by John Lillpop!

Remember the post I did on 'procrastination' a few months ago? Well, when I got up this morning, I could tell my eye had blood in it and that means a trip to the Eye Foundation and lazer surgery to remove it! How do I know? I was there last fall and should've already been back for part 2 of the surgery! I know what to expect this time and I dread it! The first time, I had no problem hopping into the chair--this time they may have to chase me around the room with a tranquilizer dart or something! ;)

I would just like to have my good vision back! So, if you would, keep me in your thoughts and prayers the next couple of days!

Update: Well, I saw a couple of drs today and a fun time was not had! My right eye didn't want to dilate - it was being difficult! So they kept putting more drops in it and by the time they were through, I could hardly see a bloomin' thing! For about 3 hrs my eyes got a work-out! Even an ultra-sound, complete with the goop they use when they do one on a pregnant woman! Results were the eye has more blood in it than before, making it hard to see what's going on in there. I have to go back in 2 wks so a retina dr can take a look and most likely have some more lazer surgery and maybe surgery with a knife. Oh goody. Also have to sleep in as upright a position as possible! yuk I also got a small speech about how coming back is real important. The veins could've grown back and I could've lost my eye! Yeah, I'll be making an appointment on Mon! I'm sorts fond of my eyes!

Driving home was interesting! It had rained which made it alittle hazy and everything already looked hazy to me from the drops! I could've used a white cane for the car! heh I was just very thankful to make it home! (Did I mention it was a 30-40 min drive home?)

Thanks for thinking of me, I appreciaate it!


  1. You got it! I hope it all goes well...please keep me posted.

  2. Awwwww! My thoughts and prayers are with you dear! Everything will be fine and it will all be over before you know it.

  3. Aw Lin. *hugs*

    I still can't help giggle over the image of your being chased down by a tranquilizer dart weilding nurses though, forgive me.

    All jokes aside, many prayers coming your way.
