Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Okay she's out of jail and the media is knocking itself out with constant blabblings about the poor little rich skank. It's sickening. I vow to mute or change the channel any time I see her face or hear her name mentioned! I only have one question for the people who are determined to keep us updated on her every move, every thought (is that an oxy moron?)--WHO THE HELL CARES??!!


  1. Hey,it's another 'crackhead' JP/Bad Voodoo supporter stopping by:) Just had to say 'bless you', you said what everyone is thinking......and what a classic line
    "every thought(is that an oxymoron"?) I just busted out laughing!

  2. Hi Karthi! Linda here and thanks for stopping by! I love the way the tv people keep saying "the public just can't get enough of this.." Makes me just want to scream!
