Sunday, May 6, 2007

Tonight’s the night!

One of these teams will have a million dollars at the end of tonight's show! Actually, since it's filmed in advance, they've already won. I think I'm in the beauty queens' corner. We shall see if the girls are up to the challenge!

If there is any driving of stick shifts, Mirna is in trouble! It's been fun to watch her struggle with the cars. Although I learned to drive on a VW, I'd be on trouble if I had to drive one now! And I've been calling Charla by the wrong name! I thought it was Charna--must be her cousin's accent!

Eric and Danielle get into trouble when under pressure, so they could cancel themselves out if things get too trickly! Eric might bebefit from some anger management!

The girls are good team players and I hope they are on their game tonight! Show 'em what ya got girls!

The Amazing Race - All Stars CBS 7 PM CST May 6th


  1. MissBirdlegs in ALMay 6, 2007 at 2:44 AM

    OT, but wanted to say I enjoyed "seeing" you in the Milblog Conf. chat room yesterday. The whole thing was a blast for me. One of these years I'm gonna make it in person :)

  2. Same here, MBL! I was in pain from a fall and had to give up after lunch. I'm hoping SK got some good pics to share! I believe we were on JP's "crackhead" list from Afghanistan. Things sure were tame without him this year! You'll have to come back by! ;)
