Sunday, March 18, 2007

Eagles Landed in DC

Major Pain has a post about the gathering of Eagles in DC yesterday. It was hard to find anything about them on the news, as expected. They were easy to spot, though--they were the ones holding American flags! Thanks and a standing ovation to all who went and stood in the cold! (One Marine's View)

GunnNutt also has quite a few pictures at Semper Gratus

Taco also has a post at SandGram:

(If the links don't work, they are in my blogroll)


  1. It was such an awesome gathering. I've written about it and checked quite a few blogs but I'll have to check out your links as well.

    I love your blog and was wondering if you wanted to exchange links.

  2. Thanks, sure!

    I've been checking blogs for pictures and have seen some good ones and some disturbing ones, too. In Portland they not onlly burned a flag but a soldier in effegy as well! Totally despicable!
