and stingers have stung and I have a fevah!
We may yet have more cool weather--we've had snow in April before! But I am looking forward to some warm, breezy days! Of course, with spring comes tornadoes, unfortunately. We'll just have to hope we survive! Other than that, it's my favorite time of year. Well, pollen can be rough, but everything else is great. Oh, I forgot about the bugs! They're not so nice with the biting and stinging! But otherwise, spring is great!
I bet you like it, too! (Look out for that wasp!)
Speaking of wasps: When I was about ten I came up to spend some time with my aunt, uncle and two cousins and we went to their "country" house for the day. Actually, it was a small frame house. I think my aunt might've planted some vegetables there or we were supposed to clean up the yard.What we were doing is chasing each other around and around the house! I would love to have some of that energy back! I'm not sure we saw the wasps' nest up in the corner of the porch, loaded for action! When we got to the back, we'd hop onto the porch and one of those times the wasps decided they'd had enough and covered me! I was busy trying to knock them off and only being partially successful at it! When it was over, we counted 13 sting marks. The one on my arm closed to my elbow got to stay on the longest and it left a very visible scar for quite some time. My aunt sent my cousins next door for some ice and I think I spend the rest of the day shivering under ice.
You have to watch out for the stingers!
Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup
51 minutes ago
You must not have a lawn to mow, or else someone to do it for you.
No, we just have a herd of goats to mow it down! (kidding) There's a professional mower who makes it by sometimes.