Transcript of the debate:
Did you watch the debate? What did you think?
I thought Gov Palin did great! And I'm sure lots of lefties were expecting her to fall on her face! I was hoping she would smack Biden if he said George Bush again after repeating his name numerous times in a row!
Oh, and btw, the playing field was not level--Sarah was wearing heels!
HT/762 Justice
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43 minutes ago
“Non-debate made for TV so-called debates” are of little to no interest for me so I only watched maybe the first 10 or fifteen minutes. In that time the thing that struck me about Biden’s demeanor was his flashing of his teeth at times when he looked toward Palin. It looked as if he were either showing off his teeth, forcing a smile, or sneering. I wonder how that went over with independent undecided voters who were watching.