Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween Pumpkins!

Remember, just treats, no tricks!

We don't get trickrtreaters 'cause we're off the beaten path so I mailed halloween candy to some people I care about and are related to-not just candy but books and toys also!

I also sent some soldiers I know thru all sorts of stuff besides the usual food and snacks--like decorations and all kinds of candy! One group that I've known the longest got Jason hockey masks for all 16, a Jason movie and a bowl of eyeballs (gummy!). They didn't need any horror stories since they have their own to tell! I hope to get a picture I can post from them.

In case you like ghost stories:

Never Mind Them Watermelons
retold by
S. E. Schlosser

Listen to the story (4.3 mb download)

Well now, old Sam Gibb, he didn't believe in ghosts. Not one bit. Everyone in town knew the old log cabin back in the woods was haunted, but Sam Gibb just laughed whenever folks talked about it. Finally, the blacksmith dared Sam Gibb to spend the night in the haunted log cabin. If he stayed there until dawn, the blacksmith would buy him a whole cartload of watermelons. Sam was delighted. Watermelon was Sam's absolute favorite fruit. He accepted the dare at once, packed some matches and his pipe, and went right over to the log cabin to spend the night.

Sam went into the old log cabin, started a fire, lit his pipe, and settled into a rickety old chair with yesterday's newspaper. As he was reading, he heard a creaking sound. Looking up, he saw that a gnarled little creature with glowing red eyes had taken the seat beside him. It had a long, forked tail, two horns on its head, claws at the ends of its hands, and sharp teeth that poked right through its large lips.

"There ain't nobody here tonight except you and me," the creature said to old Sam Gibb. It had a voice like the hiss of flames. Sam's heart nearly stopped with fright. He leapt to his feet.

"There ain't going to be nobody here but you in a minute," Sam Gibb told the gnarled creature. He leapt straight for the nearest exit - which happened to be the window - and hi-tailed it down the lane lickety-split. He ran so fast he overtook two rabbits being chased by a coyote. But it wasn't long before he heard the pounding of little hooves, and the gnarled creature with the red eyes caught up with him.

"You're making pretty good speed for an old man," said the creature to old Sam Gibb.

"Oh, I can run much faster than this," Sam Gibb told it. He took off like a bolt of lightning, leaving the gnarled creature in the dust. As he ran passed the smithy, the blacksmith came flying out of the forge to see what was wrong.

"Never mind about them watermelons," Sam Gibb shouted to the blacksmith without breaking his stride.

Old Sam Gibb ran all the way home and hid under his bed for the rest of the night. After that, he was a firm believer in ghosts and spooks, and he refused to go anywhere near the old cabin in the woods.

You can read more Alabama ghost stories in Spooky South by S. E. Schlosser

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Your Future President?

Maybe he learned how to honor the flag and country from William Ayers or Jeremiah Wright.

[YouTube link]

Click to view -- if you dare!

Hmm... did someone forget to tell whatshisname that his heart is alittle further up? heh

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Battle Hymn of the Republic


Get a load of these high school kids. At the conclusion listen to the high notes on the trumpet . . . Played by a high school student!! One of the fathers recorded it, added some graphic enhancements to the recording, and posted it on the web.

The song, of course, is the "Battle Hymn of the Republic".

Be prepared . . . It will definitely send a few shivers up your spine. It did mine. Click on the link below...

Thanks to my friend, Lynn, for sending this to me!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Mary Mapes Quite Contrary

Remember Dan Rather's producer who was determined to give her boss something he could sink his teeth into in regard to President Bush? (Whether it was true or not!) Seems she has some ill feelings!

"Ha, ha.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing once swaggering players like Powerline, Free Republic and Little Green Footballs forced onto the sidelines, left to limply watch this campaign pass by like a parade in which they play no meaningful part.

They just don’t matter anymore!"

Maybe she and Dan are planning a come back! Better watch yourself, Katie!

Read more:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Newt Gives the MSM a Clue!

Have you heard enough about Gov Palin's clothes? Evidently Newt Gingrich had and it was the straw that broke the camel's back! His chat with Greta is located here:! :

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How The Troops Are Voting

Maj Pain shares an interesting bit of news via the Military News concerning the election.  Their poll shows McCain ahead with their voters!

The story:

Monday, October 20, 2008

Biden's Crystal Ball

“Mark my words,” the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. “It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

Friday, October 17, 2008

Not Worth Seeing

Jeb Bush, the younger brother of President George W Bush, has dismissed Oliver Stone's portrayal of his family in the biopic W as "hooey" and questioned why the director did not seek to interview him or other relatives as part of his research

There is a review of the so-called movie, W, that says exactly what you thought--lousy! Funny how this crap is released just at election time, isn't it? It should be put in the toilet!

It wouldn't surprise me if it was an Oscar nominee. That's just the way Hollyweird operates.

Another review:

Thursday, October 16, 2008



What a perfect example of the fair and unbiased media! They've been in Obama's pocket from the begining! Of all the pictures made, they thought this was the best?? IDIOTS!!

This must've been after the debate when he was trying to get around the table to shake hands with Bob Sheaffer and he made a funny face,


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Marcia, Marcia, MARCIA!!

TV star of the Brady Bunch, Maureen McCormick, has written a book called, Here's The Story and it isn't pretty!  As she says, her life was nothing like Marcia Brady's!

In real-life, her grandmother died in a mental institution with a sexual disease. She thought she would die the same way when she was young. She had two abortions along the way and was heavily into drugs. She would spend days locked in a room with her boyfriend doing drugs and even traded sex for drugs. 

She did not have sex with Greg or Jan. WTH?! There was no mention of Alice or the dog! (Sorry!) Good grief!

She cleaned up her life and now lives with her 19 yr old daughter and husband.

Whew--I'd hate to have to try to explain all that to my family!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Are You Stupid?

Or do you have something to offer mensa? Take the quiz!

Friday, October 10, 2008


Did you see the video of a TMZ reporter interviewing Katie Couric about her interview with Sarah Palin--the one where she asked her insipid question about newspapers and magazines? Wasn't it cute the way Katie mocked Gov Palin's answer? Oh yeah, lots of fair and balanced there! Someone should give Katie a clue--she has 5 kids, a husband and is governor of a state and she's most likely like the rest of us who read news on the internet!

I almost wish she had said she reads The National Enquirer! I mean if they're going to talk about you anyway, give 'em something to talk about! Can you imagine the look on Katie's face? Priceless!

I saw one by P Diddy that looked clever. It was him in a dark room with just a flashlight under his chin, talking about how scared he was of Sarah Palin! Ooooo, me too! He was showing Katie's impressive interview so I stopped watching right there! Besides, it was scaring me just seeing P's massive lips flapping in the breeze!  Hard to tell which is bigger--his ego or his mouth!

Shouldn't he be in prison for shooting someone when he was dating Jennifer Lopez?

Then there was Alec Baldwin making fun of Palin's accent.  I wonder how his little "piggie" is doing now?

Madonna, the skankiest of the skanks, is using her no talent concerts to put down Palin. Consider the source! Go back to England, skank!

One of the funniest was Bridgette Bardot--I thought she was DEAD!! How many furs has she worn in her lifetime?!

Cybil Sheppard, who's only claim to fame is having sex with Elvis,  doesn't like Palin because she's against abortions! I don't understand the people who are for abortions but don't you dare try to execute a murderer!

And then there are the ones of kids singing like little brain washed  zombies!

There's more and they all have one thing in common--BORING!


There's a good post about how Sarah is treated by the media at:

Give 'em hell, Gov Palin!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Spc Joe Gibson

Please go to Blackfive and read about Ranger Spc Joe Gibson( and how he got the Silver Medal. One of the things he had to do was hand to hand combat with a terrorist he stepped on in the dark during a secret mission in Iraq.  A terrorist who was ready to kill him by several means but who he overcame physically.

Its the kind of story that gives you chills! If it was a movie, you'd stand up and cheer at the end!

UPDATE: Not sure why the link isn't working! If you click on Blackfive and scroll down until you see the following, it'll be well worth the effort!

Specialist Joe Gibson - A Ranger You Should Know

Posted By Blackfive

This comes from Matt...
75th Ranger Regiment Soldier awarded Silver Star
By Staff Sgt. Andrew Kosterman
1st Special Forces Group (Airborne)

Gibson_w_ssm_2 FORT LEWIS, Wash. (USASOC News Service, Sept. 27, 2008) – What began as a mission to find and eliminate terrorists earlier this year in Iraq ended up being a life-defining moment for one member of 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment.


The bad guy not only had a gun on SPC Gibson that he was ready to fire, he knocked off his night goggles and was trying to light up his sucide vest when SPC Gibson knocked him out, got his gun and shot him!

There's more to the story--GO READ!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

The VP Debate

Transcript of the debate:

Did you watch the debate? What did you think?

I thought Gov Palin did great! And I'm sure lots of lefties were expecting her to fall on her face!  I was hoping she would smack Biden if he said George Bush again after repeating his name numerous times in a row!

Oh, and btw, the playing field was not level--Sarah was wearing heels!

HT/762 Justice

Stop The BS!

Yeah, this is what I've wanted to see for some time--Barney Franks getting a smackdown! O'Reilly did it but I didn't care who did it as long as it was done! I regret I didn't see this while it was happening.

Mr. sissypants gets his due!

HT/Hot Air

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Root Cause of the Problem

Who was saying what several years ago:

And now who do you see out front crowing about solving the problem? And of course, who are they blaming the problem on?  Bunch of liars!