Yesterday was an awful day! A-W-F-U-L! To begin with, it was almost an exact repeat of the terrible week in June--no phone, no car, etc! AT&T and I are still discussing that week from time to time to get a correct bill--not a $400 one! There was no dial tone, my car was still dead, I couldn't find my new cell phone and I no longer have a neighbor, other than the ones who live across a busy 119! I just sat down and cried like a baby--or like a toddler having a tantrum! I'm under quite a bit of stress!
I went outside and found out one of the men working next door had a cell phone I could use! I called the phone company and after the usual aggravation, talked to someone who said I could have the phone back on after we did a check over the phone. Fine with me--I had tried that a few weeks ago and was told I'd be getting a new bill--to reflect the changes.
The workman was also able to jump my car off but I discovered after he left that he had screwed the battery gizmo on so tight, I couldn't budge it..GREAT! I was planning to wash my hair before I took the car to Express! Decision time! I can either risk the car dying again or go like I am--a sweaty mess with dirty hair and no make-up! A vision of grime! I wanted the car fixed so I got in and drove over. Luckily they weren't real busy and he had it fixed in about 5 minutes and didn't charge me for it! No one else came in the waiting area so I didn't put any eyes out!
When I got home, I discovered we had no water! Did I mention that I did a lot of yelling and cursing yesterday? Yep, I did! The cats hid most of the time. My son was keeping low! I just felt like I'd had all I could take! A storm came up and in the meantime people were trying to figure out what happened to the water.
Later, I got a call from the new owners that the water pipe was broken and no one could come out until 10 this morning. Well, at least there's a solution not too far away!
I ordered a pizza and 2 liter Diet Coke and we sat down to eat. I thought the Coke sure was good but thought I was just thirsty, etc. About half a cup later, my son says..did you order a regular Coke? No silly, why? It was in a plastic bag and I never looked at it. Oh yeah, it was regular Coke that I can't have 'cause I'm diabetic! It wasn't long before I could feel the difference, mainly in my feet! Holy Crap!
Thinga can only get better!! hopefully
UPDATE: We have water! Actually, the pipe was fixed yesterday but the plumber failed to turn our water back on! Thank goodness I didn't live in the olden days 'cause I wouldn't like having to haul water or any of the other crap they had to do to survive!
Now I just have to find an apartment I like and move.... and a few other things!! Woo-hoo!
Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup
42 minutes ago
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