The mare not only receives repeated kicks from the two stallions but also has to mate with each winner, which means she may be mated 30 times in 6 hrs. Barbaric apes!
The losers are usually cooked on site and sold to the "spectators". Truly disgusting.
There is someone attempting to help, Network for Animals, but it seems to be run by organized crime.
HT/Hot Air
WTF!!!! This has to be stopped!!! Organized Crime??? That's BS!!!! Whoever organized this crime, how about we organize a crime on you???? You sick bastard/s... I hope one day horses will rule the world and that they show us the same gratitude, how would that be? If things turned around... Why are so many ppl so selfish and not think about how it would feel to go through something so brutal. I believe in Karma and well I hate to wish evil upon anyone but let me just say that whoever doesn't put a stop to this sickness will get what they deserve... Now what can we do to stop this?
ReplyDeleteNow that I think about it the world is sick, and even horses can be cruel to eachother clearly... but that is there natural instinct... Humans should have enough knowledge to know right from wrong and should have a conscience to make rational decisions, this is so unrational and imature there is no need for this, and it should not be an organized crime...
ReplyDeleteThis should be illegal!!!!