And it didn't even include the eye clinic! That comes tomorrow!
I got a ticket Thanksgiving week-end and meant to pay it before it was due. Oh yeah, there were 5 Hoover cop cars at the Shell Station at hwy 280 and 119. But they weren't out just to write tickets--oh no! I thought the ticket was due on the 31st and I knew I'd have to go to the bank because you can't write a check at the police station. I got it out today and looked and it said the 29th, as in yesterday! I went by the bank and went by there and was told since I'd missed the court date, the judge had issued a warrant for me!! Then it got better--I could pay $100 to have the warrant removed and then pay the ticket which is another $100! Trust me, it took ALL I had to stay composed! Because I missed it half a day ago--not a few days or a week--a bloody half a day!
You don't want to know what kind of thoughts I was having!!
It's very dark out here with few street lights and I have to be very careful. I have missed the turn for our street a few times (blinded by car lights) since the eye problem and have almost missed the road and ended up on the shoulder a couple of times. It's a pretty high traffic area, so it makes me nervous. I put my turn signal on so as to give the people behind me plenty of notice--it's a favorite place for wrecks. But you know, some people can't stand the stillness for 2 or 3 minutes while you turn! There's usually traffic coming the other way, too! So tonight, when I turned, the JERK behind me felt the need to blow his car horn and I returned the favor! He's lucky I didn't chase him down! heh
It's just been a lovely day--after looking thru the paper for rentals and worrying about that and worrying about my eye, etc! I need to go s-c-r-e-a-m!
I went to get some food and just as I was getting back to where I turn, I started seeing a blinking red light and realized some nitwit was on a bike! Bad enough in the datyime--but at night?! Somebody has a death wish!
Have you been a good cat?
2 hours ago
I just got a ticket as well. First ever. Friggin' Hillesville, VA. Friggin' common wealth! Pretty roads though (making ya just about have to speed).
ReplyDeleteI sure hope (and pray) your days get better than they have been!