Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hopes for 2008

I didn't make any resolutions for the new year. The list might be too long! ;)  I do have some hopes for 2008.

I hope my vision will improve. We went to the Outback last night with some good friends and I couldn't read the menu--it didn't help that the lights were dimmed.  Luckily, the waiter came over to tell us what the specials were and I picked one of those. There are times that I get alittle discouraged. Before this nightmare started over a year ago, I had 20/20 vision and only needed reading glasses. Now. I've given up on reading the paper or books 'cause it's just too aggravating to try it with a magnifying glass! It is scary to think about not being able to drive--there isn't alot of patience out on the road !

I haven't given up completely---just hanging on to the hope that it will improve. It has somewhat since the shot but there's still room for improvement! I haven't made an appointment to have lazer on my other eye. I need to have a chat with the doctor. Alittle nervous!

I will be moving sometime in 2008. Dread this! I like the area I'm in. Very much. Packing up will be hard and I'll most likely have to get rid of some things that I don't really want to. I see a headache on the horizon! I hope I can find an apt. that I like---this is something I think about EVERY day!

I hope JP and the Bad VooDoo Platoon make it home safely in 2008. (His second deployment.) The same for Major B (One Marine's View)  who is on his 3rd deployment. Bless them for the job they do for our country!

I hope after all the boring speeches we get a presidential  candidate who can win! Dear God, please help us!

I got a Nikon Cool Pix for Xmas that I hope to learn how to use!

There are some more hopes of a personal nature. Well,  you didn't think I would completely spill my guts, did you?!

Happy 2008!  ;)