According to its architect, Alfred Preis, the design of the Memorial, "Wherein the structure sags in the center but stands strong and vigorous at the ends, expresses initial defeat and ultimate victory....The overall effect is one of serenity. Overtones of sadness have been omitted to permit the individual to contemplate his own personal responses...his innermost feelings."
Having seen the Arizona Memorial, I can tell you that it is beautiful as well as emotional to stand there and look down on the ship. Drops of oil still come up to the surface from it and when we were there, people were throwing wreaths of flowers over it. I think I am correct in saying that some soldiers are still being buried in the ship.
There are several sites you can find thru Google to read about the attack that awoke a sleeping giant. Natioal Geographic has a video from a news reel.
I was surprised to see my family name on the wall of soldiers who died on the Arizona and appears to have had a ship named for him. I was doing geneology but did not find out if we were related and stopped looking for a link several years ago.
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