Tuesday, October 30, 2007

JP & Lizzie Borden = Awesome

I did a post about JP Borda when he was deployed to Iraq back in the summer with his Bad VooDoo Platoon. (search)

I noticed that people were finding it by using "awesome stories" so I decided to try that myself. Turns out there is a site called awesome story dot com. JP's story wasn't on that but did show up when it was googled. He's still awesome--just ask him! (zing)

Anyway, I was looking around and came across the Lizzie Borden story. I read the book long ago about her parents' murders while she was home--before lunch in Fall River, MA, in 1892.

You've mostly likely heard this little ditty:
Lizzie Borden took an ax

And gave her mother forty whacks,

When she saw what she had done

She gave her father forty-one
There was a trial with a twelve man jury (no women allowed) who just couldn't believe she could do this to her father.

She was upset with her wealthy father for putting some of his property in her stepmother's name. Property that she thought belonged to her. Money can be a great motivator! I guess you could say Lizzie took matters into her own hands!

You can read the story here:


There are even a couple of crime scene photos. Most of the townspeople thought she was guilty and her life was never the same as it had been. I remember the tv movie with Elizabeth Montgomery and there is a little facial resemblance!

Today, the house is a bed and breakfast so you can arrange to go there and sleep in the actual house where Lizzie was swingin'an ax! Are you reaching for the phone?

Just in time for Halloween! ;)



  1. Maybe we should have a Bama blogger meet-up there?

    Happy Halloween!

  2. Hey there! Shoot me an email please...my computer croaked and I lost addresses. TTYL.

  3. Shoot me an e-mail of upcoming sites on Lizzie Borden.


    Virginia Robles

  4. I have been interested in this particular story of Lizzie Borden. I saw the movie many years ago and I still have an interest in her story. I will be searching for books and articles on her and will try to create a story for my class project.

    Thank-you for her site and I will visit soon.


    Virginia Robles
