Hopefully, our laptop will be returned tomorrow! We really, really miss it! Funny how you get so "addicted" to things! It'll be good not to have to come to the library to get a "fix"--even tho' I have been able to get into my blog--finally! No more cell phone talkers or just chatty people who can't seem to tear themselves away from the computer area! No more little kids who are here with their moms but want you to notice them, too! No more kids who love to swivel in the chairs or just talk to their friend. Well. no more until the next time the laptop decides it needs a rest!
I think I am addicted to soft ice cream--like at DQ's! When I go to the office park to walk, there is one across the highway and I had a weak moment the other day and went by and got a small cone! It was SO good! I haven't had one in a long time and am not suppose to have one because of the diabetes. I slipped. ok?! It was YUMMY!! Why don't they make that in sugar-free? I have to get this under control!
Did you know Cool Whip comes in sugar-free? They sure have improved Cool Whip! I had strawberries one night and they were good with nothing on them but the next time I went to the store I looked to see if Cool Whip came in sugar-free--and there it was! So I scooped it up and got some more strawberries. They were excellent together! However, I couldn't stop eating the Cool Whip and before I knew it, the container was empty! So, now I have to stop thinking about how good it was and run by the freezer that contains them to avoid temptation! I hate diabetes! I kinda think this is from all the stress. The eye problem--at least, that's what I'm going to blame it on! ;)
Anyone else have any addictions? The kind you can talk about!
Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup
56 minutes ago
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