Do you think it's bad luck to make an appt to have something done to my defective eye on Fri, the 13th??? After not doing it for the whole week, the big chicken finally picked up the phone about 30 mins ago and made the appt. I'm so thrilled---NOT! I won't know until then which type of surgery it'll be--lazer or the deep sleep kind! They are overbooked, most likely because it's summer, and, at first, she gave me an Aug date but after I told her I was in the ER last week, she changed it to July 18th. She also said there'd be a long wait. I hope for my cousin, who's driving up from near Montgomery, it won't mean we're there until 9 pm like last time!
Looking at my eye, you can't tell anything is wrong. It's not even bloodshot. All the action is inside which means I can see it! If I close my left eye, everything is blurry and it looks like I have hair in my eye and if I move my eye, it moves, too! When I woke up last week, I could see dark red streaks and I knew that wasn't good! You don't realize how much your eyes work together until something like this happens. Not only is driving a challenge, especially turning, but reading, watching tv and just about everything else!
I'm really hoping this is going to mean my vision is improved and I don't have to look at this freak show in my eye anymore! Can't tell you how many times I've been about to drink something and have jerked the cup away because I thought a bug or something was in it!
Do you want pics? TOO BAD! I can't stand to see eye surgery on tv and I'm sure not going to have some of my own, although I am curious as to what it looks like during all the prodding and flashing of light!
Well, that's it. July 18th, 1 pm. woo-hoo
Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup
42 minutes ago
I hope your eye condition turns out to be nothing much more than mine, which started a bit over a month ago with symptoms such as you described. You may not be nearly as old as I am, but when I. alarmed, got an immediate appointment with Primary Eyecare Associates in Montgomery, and after extensive tests and examinations, I was told that what I have is commonly called "a floater" and that it is a common occurrence with folks of my age (74+). The doc told me what changes to watch for, and if any of them happen I should come right in for another exam. He said that this is something that they can work with.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes for you.
I should have added to my prior comment that if you wish to discuss this further you can send an email to me on my website, the address of which is
ReplyDeleteNope, it's not floaters. I had lazer surgery back in the fall to remove the blood inside my eye but he stopped after about 30 mins and I was suppose to go back several wks later but dreaded it and kept putting it off. The last 15-20 mins were painful and it was all I could do to stay still! My eye felt like it had been rubbed with sandpaper and the area around my eye was sore--I guess from the thing they put in it to keep it open! Oh, and I also got a shot beside my eye that I could feel touch the bone under my eye. That's why I haven't been anxious to do it again!
ReplyDeleteAppreciate the wishes!
Damn Lin!! I am sending every good thought I can muster over your direction. You take care of yourself, you have Soldiers to pester! lol pics? C'mon.... I watched video of my nieces brain surgery :)
Yikes, SK--brain surgery?! I assume she is okay! And aren't you sweet! ;)
ReplyDeleteI've already bought a new pillow to keep the head elevated and wake up every morning almost in a panic to be sure I'm not flat! Thanks for the well wishes!
Hope and prayers that you're okay and no longer have to deal with this, Lin. *hugs*