After tossing and turning and sleeping for a grand total of 3 and a half hours, getting up with a headache and being sick to my stomach, my cousin, who drove up from Montgomery, and myself got to the eye clinic to hear someone say--oh, I think we tried to call you yesterday to change your appointment! WTH! They said they couldn't find my file after I said I was in the ER last week and other confusing things like didn't we send you to UAB with a possible stroke?!! WTH?? I was beginning to think we were in the twilight zone! Finally, it was decided that my file was put in someone else's file with the same name--my first name, which I don't use! Now, I'm thinking maybe I don't want them to touch my eye!
And as it turns out, they did exactly what they did in the ER room--complete with sonargram--and said to come back in August to see the retina drs and they may want to put me to sleep and vaccuum the blood out of my eye! WTH? I've got to worry about this longer and now they want to vaccuum out my eye! Oh, and don't lie down flat for at least another month! No aspirin or ibuprofin, etc! They gave me some drops that might help my eye do something (forgot what!). I was so disappointed!
I have only myself to blame for not going back within the time period the dr said I should! So now, instead of just being scared, I can be REALLY scared!
On the plus side: I did enjoy spending the day with my cousin, who is like a sister to me and we went out to eat before she drove home. And we did have an interesting drive with me giving her directions! Me, the one with blurry vision! It was especially fun in the 5 o'clock traffic! Wheee..
Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup
51 minutes ago
Have you considered seeking help elsewhere? Since your cousin is in Montgomery you or she might check with the place I go, Primary Eyecare Associates @ (or phone 334-271-3900 or 888-467-1037). Another eye doctor that is highly regarded by some of my acquaintances is Dr. Paulk in Wetumpka (phone 334-567-7722). Either place might give you faster and better service. If you or she wants to ask about either one, send an email to my website addressed to
ReplyDeleteHi Linda. I'm so sorry! And all I have to offer is a chat hug... It's a really nice hug, though.
Thanks for the info, Don. I guess I'll stick with UAB. I'm just frustrated and disappointed right now!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the hig, Uber! I could've used one yesterday! We heard a little kid crying and saying what are you gonna do to me? No, don't! And I told my cousin, that was going to be me in a minute! As we were driving home in 5 o'clock traffic with me giving directions--hardly able to see-- and she making some quick corrections, I said stop the car, I have a scream stuck in my throat! I just couldn't believe I had been put through that same blasted exam again! I believe I said that more than once! But I calmed down once we got home and the kitties came around. We took my son to the Cracker Barrel and that was enjoyable! My appt to have my eye vaccuumed is Aug 17th--the week-end we were planning to go see GWTW at the beautiful Alabama Theatre!
damn, damn, double damn! (It's a once-a-year thing!)
Aw. That really does bite. Get someone to tape it for you! Unless that's just not the same...
ReplyDeleteThen, well...damn.