Eric and Danielle! Funny, after all her whining about wanting to go home! It looked like a pretty tight race and the beauty queens were right on their heels, as were Charla and Mirna! Charla had a pair of shoes with wheels in them and when they were scooting through terminals, she would let Mirna pull her--which, at least, stopped the yelling! Run, Charla, run--you have got to run!
I was surprised that the girls got into an argument and it happened when I was alittle distracted so I'm not sure what caused it--other than stress! High stress, no sleep, lots of possibilities! You could see disappointment on their faces, as well as, Charla and Mirna's. Missing out on a million dollars has got to hurt!
If you're interested in details, you can find them at
Update: They were on Regis and Kelly and I saw some of it. They are no longer dating and have alreadt replaced the other one! Danielle had on a very short, white, very strapless dress! There was a lot of her showing! They claimed it was a mutual decision to not date any more. He claimed she was high maintenance and mentoned the coffee she wanted when he said they didn't have enough money. She said they only didn't have enough money when it was something she wanted! Hmmmm, I wonder how they would've handled a million smackers! She said she was going to do some shopping and invest most of the money. He said some friends are trying to sell him a house in FL but keep going up on the price and he wants to invest his also. I sure hope they can both live off $500,000--for a few days! I don't remember if they won trips together!
I’ll Tell My Man to Clean Your Kit
1 hour ago
Wow, thats sad that they are already broken up. I had mixed feelings, I really wanted the beauty queens to win but actually felt bad for Eric thinking about him possibly coming in 2nd place again. Bottom line I was just glad that Charla and Myrna didn't win, they drove me nuts. I'm still envisioning them throwing the charity stuff into the box and the military guy trying to get them to take some care.