Last night was a 2 hr show--I'm tired already! I could do the short version and just tell you who won! But I guess I'll give you all the details. This may take awhile! I need a diet Dr Pepper!
First to leave, the charming (cough) Charna and Mirna. They decide to wait on Oswald and Danny so they can share a taxi. They have tickets to Warsaw, Poland to look for Czapski Palace, childhood home of Chopin, but look for a better way to get there. Surprise! Mirna is pushy with the ticket agents, too! They are stuck at the airport for 7 grumbling hours! In the end, Kandice and Dustin are lucky and get the last 2 seats on a plane to Poland. Bill has a fit at the airport when they can't get on the plane, even though it's still on the tarmac. (Been there!)
The beauty queens find the palace and do the Perfect Pitch task. They have to tune a piano and do so pretty quickly. They're off to the next Pit Stop and are first to hit the mat. They win a trip to Puerto Rico. They finished before two of the teams ever got on a plane!
Oswald and Danny break a couple of piano wires before they get it right, Charna and Mirna give up and look for the palace. . Mirna says people won't help them and run away when they try to talk to them. She wonders if it's because Charna is a little person. They finally find a young woman willing to help them get to a laboratory so they can x-ray their mannequin to find their clue. It had to be at the right angle to be seen. Uchenna and Joyce tune the piano pretty fast. Eric and Danielle break a piano wire but manage to finish ahead of the Quidos who chose the mannequin. Joe and Bill are last to finish and have a 30 mins time extention at the end of the next leg.
The next clue is to take a charter bus to the concentration camp of Auschwitz-Birkenan, where over one million people were killed by the Nazis. Bill makes the statement that Eric and Danielle don't have a brain and they can beat them with brain power! Eric and Danielle get into an argument because she wants a cup of coffee and he says they can't afford it! This goes on and on until she moves to another area, Al-l-righty then!
First bus leaves for Auschwitz with Uchenna and Joyce, Oswald and Danny and Kandice and Dustin. Being there is very emotional and each team lights a candle for the victims.
This is an Intersection task which means two teams have to do it together. Uchenna and Joyce and Danny and Oswalk decide to do the counting steps together and that means Kandice and Dustin have to wait for the second bus to pick another team.
Uchenna and Joyce finish with Danny and Oswald and both teams hit the mat together. Phil tells them there is only one prize, so Danny and Oswald give it to Uchenna and Joyce and they win a trip to Saint Lucia.
Meanwhile, Kandice and Dustin have to wait 4 hrs for the second bus and since Charna and Mirna are the first off the bus, ask them if they want to do the detour with them. They choose Eat It and have to make some sausage and then sit down to each eat EIGHT FEET of Kielbasa Polish sausage!! I don't know how it tastes but who wants that much of anything?! Yuk! They start shoveling it in and Bill and Joe and Eric and Danielle show up. One of the beauty queens is the first to vomit and Charna sticks a knife down her throat! The other teams have to listen to this while trying to choke down their sausage! Ewwwwww! Makes me queasy just thinking about it!
Each team has to find a marked car and drive 20 miles to the town of Skala and find the Pieskowa Castle. Kandice and Dustin are first to find them and take off. Mirna can't get the car out of park and other teams are making fun of her driving! She and Charna get into a shouting match with Charna telling her she doesn't scream at her enough! Mirna gets a taxi driver to drive ahead of her and he gets another driver and she screams she doesn't have enough money for two. After pleading, they lower the price from $100 to $50.
Arriving at the castle, one member had to don a medieval suit of armour and lead a horse to the gate of the castle and hand it to a stableboy. Why Charna did this, I don't know. You could tell there was going to be a problem! She fell down twice and the horse walked in circles around her but she finally made it!
Joe and Bill finished just ahead of Eric and Danielle but because of the time penalty were eliminated. (Yay!) Bill made this syrupy speech that I just can't repeat! You don't want me to be sick, do you?
Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup
49 minutes ago
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