Seeing The Police together was great. They didn't sing what I was hoping they would and it seemed far too short, but it was good to see them. I thought Sting looked really good, but the hair looks like he cuts it himself!
I think Shikira and Beyonce should do a shimmy off! They both seem to be able to shake what they have--to the extreme!
David Spade was a presenter. How in the world....I mean I'm amazed...HOW DOES HE DO IT??? Is he just plain lucky, or what??
Justin is bringing sexy back! heh In order to do that, shouldn't you be sexy? He looks like a 15 yr old! One of the girls in the run-off to sing with him was from B'ham--she didn't win.
Al Gore was a presenter! Yes, the tin man was there looking somewhat lost. I guess they've all forgotten about Tipper's push to put labels on cds!
Christine Aquilera sounded real good singing It's a Man's World. I just wish I could get that song she sang on all the ads for this show out of my head!
And now for the sour note of the evening. The Ditzy Chiks. I believe this was rigged. They won all 5 catergories. No way. They're mad because people didn't appreciate them going to another country and dissing the president and they write a song about how they aren't ready to make nice---and they win 5 grammies?? What? Someone needs to tell them to shut up...period, don't sing 'cause we're sick of you! Don Henley was the presenter and made a big show of how proud he was of them! They dug up Joan Baez to introduce them--made you just want to toss your cookies, it did! blech
If you're interested in it, the website is
I sat through it, using the remote at times and hoping The Police might sing another song, but it didn't happen. Rats.
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It is now obvious that the Grammy’s can be bought. If that were not the case, the Dixie Chicks would not have won anything. Let’s face it. They have had little or no substantial radio play. Their CD and Concert sales have slumped. They are loathed by nearly all of the Country Music Fans and almost half of the public. We have been in the music business for a long time and only know a couple of people that voted for them. Their only hope was to win a lot of Grammys…Something that the record company felt worth investing in (probably pretty heavily) I for one would like to see an audit of Deloit and Tusch.
I've been boycotting almost the entire crowd for years. I'm pretty sure they haven't noticed though. haha