Friday, February 16, 2007

Maj Pain

Major Pain, as he is known now, has a good post up that people need to see! Not that it's unusal--he has a good post up just about everyday!

He has served in Afghanistan and not too long ago came home from Iraq. One of his funnier posts in Iraq was about trying to get to the shower trailer--seems most of the time, the FOB would come under attack, so he joked about being watched by the enemy and how they were trying to keep him from getting a shower! He also talked about the soldiers smelling the mail for familar scents--even said they could smell the Pledge from the tables, but they really liked the ones with perfume. I decided I could make mine smell better than Pledge and put them in a baggie with some perfume on a cotton ball inside for awhile. I think I got more responses from then on than I ever had before!

He was Capt B when he was in Iraq and since he came home, he became Maj B and then Maj Pain. I need to get SK to come by and explain the Pain thing--I think it means he's a 'pain' in the butt!(in a joking way)

He had a troll that insisted he wasn't even a soldier and had never been deployed. I'm not sure what finally convinced him that Maj Pain was the real deal, but it was good to get rid of him!

I heard he can give some bone-crushing hugs from SK who met him at the Milblog Conference last year!

Go over to:

and give him a read. He's a good man to know. Even if he does love those smelly cee-gars!


  1. GREAT looking blog! I dont know who paid you to do a post on me but god bless em and I hope you got paid in cash! Let me know ho I can return the favor. Keep Attacking-Semper Fi

  2. Thanks Lin, I'll even add. One can never have too many cigar smokin' pains in the booty on their sidebar! ;)

  3. Ooooooo fine. I gave him the chance to answer the Pain in the A$$ question and he didn't. *grin* When I started telling him he is one, I WASN'T KIDDING and well, he still is!! Loooong before his promotion, he was VERY difficult to pin down on what his guys needed in care packages. As sometimes happens in emails with *ahem* serious Marine types, I started telling him he was a huge pain in the A$$. In my defense, he NEVER disputed that, in fact he seemed kinda proud of being one ;-) Once his name came out on the list for promotions, I asked if that meant he went from being a huge pain to a Major Pain and things kinda progressed from there. I called him that in emails from then on. It's only fitting since I got stuck with a nick name he hung on me, over at his blog. The big doof.

    As for the hugs.....anybody remember the show Grizzly Adams? Think bear!

  4. Maj Pain-I work cheap! Thank you for coming by and being evasive about your name! heh Keep slapping down the liberal-know-nothings! ;)

    Uber-Good of you to stop playing with the puppies long enough to drop in! ;)

    SK-I knew there was a warm, fuzzy story behind that! heh ;) What is your nickname? Inquiring minds want to know!
