Monday, February 26, 2007

Jack Army

Jack Army is back in Iraq and making observations about life. Check him out at:

Some time ago, he mentioned that there was a fox that would frequent their FOB and it seemed to have a collar on. I asked if there was a chance that it could have a camera in it and being used by insurgents. Too James Bondish? Well, he never answered me and I somehow get the feeling that he's still getting a good laugh off that!

Update: Jack Army has an answer for those who say they support the troops but not the war.


  1. Sorry I missed your comment on my blog! The fox is still running around here, checking things out, probably looking for a trashcan without a lid.

    Thanks for the link!

  2. Thanks for the comment JA! And it's okay, if I made you smile! Tough life for everyone and everything over there! Take care!

  3. Ha! Probably not my first thought but I live in the country, am nobody, and dream up all kinds of reason why helicopters might be flying low. ;)

    Great link, thanks for sharing!

  4. Hey, if dolphins can be trained why not foxes? I'd still like to know why it has on a collar,,,in the middle of the desert!
