Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hissy Fit Comin’ Up!

I try to ignore John Murtha as much as possible, just to keep the BP from shooting out the top of my head! However, he thinks he's in charge of things in Washington and what happens to the troops, and yes, I know he is in a way. It makes me so mad-- sputterin', spittin'-- mad that I can't talk about him without having palpitations!

I was already ticked at his comment that the troops lived in palaces and had everything they needed! Really? Don't get me started about care packages, etc! Guess it's all a waste of time! Here's a clue--shut yer yap--it's noise pollution!


  1. yep traitor, sedition even

  2. Hey Bama2!

    Did you hear what Brit Hume said about the fat fart on Fox New Sunday? Among other things, he said Murtha was completely clueless about what is happening in the world and really reamed him a "new one". heh

    p.s. OK, it's only taken me a half a month to come and visit... You are doing a great job here!!!! 'Bout dam time, lady! You've had a lot to say and a lot of support to give for lo these many years and you deserve your own place to do it. Semper Gratus!
