My last remaining uncle has departed the earth after a long battle with cancer. He had to have part of his lower face removed but refused to give up smoking. When he smoked it would upset his youngest daughter so much she'd have to leave the room.
He was the youngest of four brothers and three sisters. Some interesting facts about him--while a student at UA he worked at the funeral home and I think he lived upstairs sometimes. He delivered his second child at home. They didn't plan it that way but the baby came too fast! That was the talk in our family for a long time. In his later years, he got interested in genealogy and did a lot of research on our family. He had two books published about it. I am also interested in that and am thankful he spent so much time on it.
He was divorced after a long marriage and had four kids. I remember coming up to Birmingham when I was about 10 to go to their wedding which was a bigger than usual affair because his wife's sister also got married that day in a double wedding.
Sad to see the family shrinking in size.